Please we want to live in peace Iraq and SyriasteemCreated with Sketch.

in #life8 years ago

Please we want to live in peace Iraq and Syria

So they just shout life Children in Iraq and Syria and much of the country

This is a true picture of Iraq

This is not really a lot of stray children And also no food and destroyed dwellings there is no secure stability Just going to talk today about Iraq and Syria The next walbost will be brief about the Middle East problems Between the fact that you didn't hear her

 Why Iraq 

If you think our war in Iraq started for peace and disarmament this devastating mistake Not the goal and that was it How many fights and how much losses To target Iraq war not for freedom but for politics Since the war started on Iraq many losses The objective was disarmament of Saddam Hussein But then there was a weapon and also finished on Saddam Hussein Then why is there war continues in Iraq It's politics between functions for oil or for control of this area that occurs Nothing in Iraq now is mass murder and extremism that came with the trick that called for peace This is less than what is described in these pictures The war in Iraq and to stop

 Image by  almustaqbal-a /// Edit: Typos @tohamy7

I stop posting pictures of children killers.Because I don't want to post more but this is a shiny children now

 Why Syria 

 Picture of the pictures are enough to make you rethink the future of an entire generation tossing about war and not leave him even room to sleep peacefully And you have to look carefully to Syrian children faces here because we know what we have to do to not lose these kids their future we need to know what somebody's dream while he was sleeping on the floor Not on his bed that now might be under the rubble Pictures of Syrian children. The bitterness of war and loss

 Image by  asoury /// Edit: Typos @tohamy7

Thanks my friends about it

 @achim86   @ebryans   @kurtbeil  @thecryptofiend   @tingaling   @proglobyte  

Thank you my friends  @tohamy7


The radicals in the middle east have largely grown out of the circumstances western "elites" created. Who wouldnt be radical if their communities were destroyed by a group of people? Even if that group was tricked into attacking...?

@fuzzyvest How much violence and bear the consequences of children and innocent people of this political game without mercy.

Just remember the working class in the west is not the demon that allows this to happen. Many of us actively are working hard to get rid of corruption. Unfortunately propaganda and a different kind of warfare is being pointed toward us.

For instance. #pizzagate
We are in this fight together. But we cant act as thoufh there are not radical muslims who want to blow large numbers of people up because that is untrue and easily verified through a quick search of the webs (preferably not google).

You are right we should fight for our children and nonviolent, law abiding citizens ...and especially our precious children in every way.

@fuzzyvest For my brother if violence against children in Syria or Iraq or the United States or Europe, wherever he was living this child we want peace for everybody.
I am against the killing of children anywhere in the world just what I want all live in peace you are my brother and they too are brothers and we are all one family in this world must repent him and live in love and peace.

I believe you :)
I wish everyone in high positions of power were like this... :/

@fuzzyvest Yes hopefully

flagged for spamming your links in steemitabuse repeatedly after several warnings

Resteemed again, bro. You are so right.

thanks bro

This is why the world hates America.

@rossenpavlov We hate violence only

we know that, I am sending peace messages eversince kid, Finland knows best, and some England. Had penpals when I was kid. Poor postman had to excersize every day to bring all colorful notes and hearts from Finland! Finland I love you so much! Thank you Santa Claus!

We understand and sympathize! In Ukraine also war!

@tohamy7 is a new member of our Facebook group 'Aspiring Whales and Dolphins', started by @samstonehill. @tohamy7 found flags and downvotes on his first post under our group and was confused. The flags were in fact fair - no reason to explain. His passion is evident - he wants to show the reality of his world to the world and for that I laud him and endorse his passion. Steemit is a place of permission; express yourself and know that if there is kick-back, that that kick-back comes from a position of education and knowledge.
I am delight ed to see this heartfelt post being acknowledged and voted for on account of its integrity and passion.

Thank you brother @ebryans Thank you @samstonehill
@ebryans I'm against war is right-in the whole country was like all live in peace
@ebryans I admit that I'm not good at English but I try and this is enough for the Arab language and that does not prevent that I tried to learn some languages even simple percentage

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