Tokens of the Week # 1: Meditation, IOTA and Apple's ARKit

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Hey everyone,

In the posts of the Monday Gems, I want to share the stuff that I found interesting in the last week. Since this is the first post of this series, I am giving a litte bit more context on what the idea is.

During the week, we consume massive amounts of content. However, often we see something that is cool and than we either forget about it or it is already replaced by the next cool thing.

For me this cool stuff is not necessarily just a cool video. It is something that either can bring some value to you and me, makes you think or wonder about something or just inspires you to do something new. It would be amazing, if you pause for a second and contemplate what was interesting for you last week and share it in the comments below. So, are you ready? Let's jump in then.

An app I love: Headspace

I grew up with meditation. It always helped me in stressful periods to keep my sanity and stay focused. However, I often disliked the loaded dogmatic weight those meditation sometimes have. This is why I was extremly happy to learn about Headspace. It is a beautifully designed App that teaches meditation in a guided and easy way. The narrator and founder Andy has such a positive aura and his voice alone helps you becoming calm. The intro is a 10-days guided meditation pack which is suitable to figure out whether meditation is something for you or not. Just give it a try. Let me know what you think!

Super interesting article about IOTA

During the week, I stumbled about a blog post on medium that was claiming it solved the latency problem of blockchain transactions. The solution for this is called IOTA. According to the author Martin Rosulek, IOTA is "a a new cryptocurrency that focused on Machine-2-Machine (M2M) transactions. The main purpose of IOTA is to serve the machine economy by enabling feeless M2M (Machine-to-Machine) payments". This is done by using an ecosystem that is based on a blockless blockchain. Pretty interesting approach. Here is also a video for this:

Playing around with Apples ARKit

My brother showed pointed my attention to an article of The article is in German. It shares some insights on how easy and realistic the first app utlizes Apple's ARKit. It just looks cool to simulate a Moon ladning in you kitchen with you phone. Have you tried it yet?

A quote that inspired me this week:

"If you need inspirational quotes to work on your company, don't do it!" - Elon Musk

It is possible that I did not nail the exact use of words, but I think it is still a very powerful quote. I even think it can be applied for almost all areas you get involved. If you are working on something or investing time in a something. If you need others to motivate you again. It might be better to reevaluate. Do I still have the right passion to do what I am doing right now?

Knowing how much a punch in the face or a gentle reminder of a friend can sometimes remind you of your passion, I generally think the motivation must come from within. Anyways, it sticked with me.

So, now it is you turn! What do you think about the stuff above? What was it, that you found memorable during the last week? What caught your eyes and ears. I am curious to find out in the comments.

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