Lara Croft's b00bz - The Issue Of The Century

in #life6 years ago

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This is a video about Lara Croft's tits, but don't worry, it's pretty SFW.

▶️ DTube

I'm gonna put my hand up and admit I have a polygon fetish...Pythagoras was my hero!

Funny thing about the women complaining about this. Female gamers don't even care about stuff like this. Go to the Overwatch Community. Every character is sexualized from the women to the men to the robots. Even the females in the community make lewds about the women in the game.

The only people who are complaining about this are the people who were never even involved in video game culture to begin with. It's like the soccer moms who buy their little kids Rated M games & then complain to the industry, or just the retail shop she bought the game from, that it was too violent.

Oh fuck yeah, dude. Have you seen the Outside XBOX crew? They ALL love Tomb Raider, Jane even more than the rest as far as I've seen!

Those edges though, gurl

The only problem I have with making pop culture characters be politically correct is that they don't come up with new one and change existing ones instead.
There's no problem with making a transgender, african, albino born without a leg as a protagoinst.
You should probably not call them by the name of already established character which traditionally is none of those things.

Titties aside, that's part of what makes it all the more effective as propaganda.

It is truly disturbing how often the far left push for replacing superior culture of western world by some backwards mudhut tribe practices.
While breast reduction is not the same as dressing Lara Croft in a burka, it's the same principle,
they are throwing mud and see what sticks. This time it's boobs, next time Lara Croft may suddenly be fat, or different colour, or gender-fluid, or whatever.
Because they cannot make a Tomb Rider with a 2nd, new Protagoinst, that would not fit the agenda, western pop culture icons must be gradually replaced instead.

I always played Tomb Raider games and never cared much for the tits. I do feel like there definitely is a need to make characters from different media as close to the original material as possible. I'm not saying you can't make a character that is white be black, or with big tits have small tits, but what's the point of that? Why push an agenda that is already pretty well established?

Honestly, this bothers me too, Feminists have ruined video games and it's only getting worse
In 5 years Lara will be in a fucking burka

Let us not bring back the dark era of Anita & GamerGate. Being a male gamer during that generation was a living hell because of people who don't understand video games or were never gamers to begin with trying to destroy creative female characters in video games.

It wasn't just Anita. Governments have always being using video games as the easy piece of media to pick on and blame for problems.

People still overreacting over nothing i see. Classic SJW behavior, triggered by everything.

Whats always puzzled me about feminist is how they say women should be able to dress in any way they want. However they attack female characters who are dress in revealing clothes. Hypocrisy at its finest.

Honestly, it's probably more so pleasure or sexual objectification that they have a problem with. In many instances in our current pop culture it's fine to objectify men, even in vulgar ways, but it's not ok if a woman dresses sexy/has a hot body and someone enjoys it.

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