Exercise your memory

in #life8 years ago

'A healthy mind in a healthy body' always heard ... the combination of the two is the perfect balance for a healthy and harmonious life. Physical exercise probably does, but it is important to know that the brain needs equal attention.

As the body, the brain will also losing qualities over time. If you exercise to stay active with energy and vitality, must do the same with the mind. This needs to be well trained, encouraged and developed. Only then will reach the full balance, not to mention that keeping a mental activity, whether for work or do some group activity, improved self-esteem and sharpens memory. With time and routine we tend to perform mechanically things without paying much attention, which means that there is a forgetting of what was done shortly afterwards. See here which tips and exercises that can help exercise memory.

Healthy habits
One not live without the other, and as mentioned above, the body should be in line with the mind. It is important to make a healthy and balanced diet, practice sports, avoid alcohol, tobacco and other drugs and sleep well. Sleepless nights or 'sleepless' reduces the ability to retain information up to 40%. Nevertheless, it is during sleep that the brain processes information and strengthens the recent memories.

Studying at the right time
Ideally, read and review what you have learned during the day before bedtime and be the first thing to do when you wake up. The brain will respond better and fix the information in memory. Another exercise you can do is to divide the information into smaller blocks and for a few months go by consulting. Experts say that will hold up to about 50% of new information instead of just re-read the texts.

Challenge the mind and train memory
As noted above, the routine prompts to which make and perform tasks almost automatically. Now ... this must be counteracted. Try the following exercises in order to get out of the usual patterns and sharpen your memory:

  • Use the wrist watch in the opposite arm usual;

  • Change some of your habits (for example, change your trajectory when working, does not walk in the same order the aisles of the supermarket, etc ...);

  • See the hours in a mirror;

  • Change the 'mouse' pc to the other hand, write with the opposite hand, brush your teeth with both hands or the contrary;

  • Walk through the house from back to front;

  • Eat different foods and thus stimulate the palate and try to identify the ingredients that make the dish;

  • See a photo you like, or that for some reason calls your attention and then assign 25 adjectives that you think best describe;

  • Select a phrase from a book and try to form a different phrase using the same words;

  • Practice or play a new activity;

  • To read a word think of another 5 that begin with the same letter;

  • Learn a new word every day and try inserting it in conversation;

  • when entering a room count how many people are on the left and right, identify the objects, close your eyes and enumerate them;

  • Hear the news when you wake up during the day and describe the main points;

  • Instead of making a grocery list try to memorize what you need. Whether separated by categories or use another method, either is valid.

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