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RE: Why I Believe The Upcoming Mass Automation Movement Has The Potential To Start A Class War

in #life8 years ago

I see your point and I can agree but think of this: technology has always devolved and people always were afraid to lose jobs because of new machines. Where jobs vanished new came. Just like technology our needs evolve and we will find new ways of staying busy. That's what I hope


The jobs of the future are likely going to require a more educated workforce. The youth will be fine, they will adapt due to their general educated nature, however the older generations still in the workforce will likely suffer.

I see what you are saying, but the point im trying to make is we have never had technology that will do what automation and ai will do. In the past, you get laid off from ford because they introduce new machines that put cars together, so you go and take up a job as a taxi driver, or a cashier. Essentially these technologies will be destroying ALL those jobs in such a short period of time there will be nowhere to go and the small amount of places there will be to go, will be so overloaded they wont be hiring.

That's pretty tough but faces reality. Those who are not well educated will have no jobs. The difference between poor and rich will become worse. We live in strange times.

Anyway, I wish you the best luck bro! I enjoy your posts and will follow you. Can I ask for how long you already are on Steemit? Nice to meet you :)

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