A Vison of Health

in #life8 years ago

Like many children of my generation, my parents had my tonsils removed at the behest of our family doctor when I was two years old.  Between the constant penicillin shots at the doctor's office, and other needles at the hospital, it was a traumatic experience that has permanently affected my approach toward the conventional methods of healthcare.  I concluded that if sickness is the result of conditions being met, then so is health.

Skip forward a good twenty plus years to 1998, and my clock radio goes off one Sunday morning because I must have prematurely set it for the following work week.  Instead of the usual morning show with its genre of music, there is a talk show with a guest doctor who healed herself of a cancerous tumor by natural remedies.  She proceeded to unleash a barrage of information about the effects of different substances (that are commonly regarded as food) on the body.  Although her analyses made perfect sense, I didn't have the incentive at that time to change my diet as drastically as necessary to follow her counsel.

The following summer, while visiting a local Christian congregation, I came across a book entitled, Counsels On Diets and Foods, by Ellen G. White.  That book opened a door of understanding of the relationship between the body, and the spirit.  And, that knowledge gave me the incentive to exercise a reform in my health.  One of those reforms was to stop eating all meat.  Another one was to stop smoking cigars.  You could add to that the abstinence of all drugs and alcohol, but I had stopped doing those other things back in 1996 after learning about the impact of one's lifestyle on the ability to develop a human network.

By January of 2001 I was in a place to acquire a formal education in an effort to offer some kind of service in regard to health reform principles.  However, upon finishing the final for the first course, it was brought to my attention that unless one is first established in their spirit, they can be vulnerable to elements of fanaticism regarding their body.  This resulted in the laying aside of my academic pursuits, and moving to New Mexico, where I lived until June of 2012.  That October, an experience occurred that completed the establishment of my spirit.

The reason for leaving New Mexico was to move back to my home state of Pennsylvania to be with my father who was diagnosed with colon cancer.  After a long struggle, he succumbed to it in July of 2014.  Two months later, his mother expired from old age.  In November, a friend put me in contact with a lady who owns a house in Grenville, New Mexico where I moved to in January of 2015.

That spring, while digging a ditch for a friend, a need came up for an insect repellent that works on flys and gnats since the usual citronella products weren't working.  This brought essential oils to my attention.  After visiting with a neighbor, who is a distributor of Young Living essential oils, and doing some of my own investigation, I purchased a distributor's kit from her as my interest in the subject was growing exponentially.

Upon applying a generous amount to several body parts before retiring that evening, I had one of the most impressive dreams of my life.  The next morning, upon getting in the shower, I literally asked out loud, “what was that?”  Suddenly, a light came on in my mind, and it showed me that the purpose of the dream was to teach me the difference between a nutrient, and a pharmaceutical.  After showering, I watched some videos from a naturopathic doctor that confirmed some of the things in my dream.  These things worked together to inspire my return to my academic pursuits in health reform.

That pursuit was quickly sidetracked when the home owner suddenly changed her mind about the house, and decided to sell it, thus evicting me.  That prompted the move to Rimrock, Arizona in November of 2015.  Right after moving here, I discovered a series of home study courses in naturopathy from an organization called the International Institute of Original Medicine.  They offer three certificates, and three degrees for their students.

It took most of 2016 since I work full time, but I received the first certificate in November: Certified Nutrition Counselor.  Presently, I am working on the second certificate: Certified Herbalist in Original Medicine.  My goal in this pursuit is to have my own healthcare facility that offers Raindrop massage, accupressure, hydrotherapy, and vegan dining that works on a donation only basis...preferably crypto.

And speaking of crypto, I'm also interested in developing a solar powered mining rig.  So, any input from anyone out there would be greatly appreciated.  Thank you for reading. 


It's very interesting post!!
Great job..I follow you now :D

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