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RE: When the electricity goes out, even for a few hours, people get stupid really quick. Most ppl won't even read this and they should!

in #life8 years ago

Indeed; it's a scary thought!

One thing I've heard (totally unrelated to the electricity part), is that next to food and water - they say that fruit and vegetable seeds are the best thing to stock pile in case of an apocalypse level event. After the initial few weeks of craziness, people will be looking to form colonies and attempt to rebuild some form of a 'normal' life. Seed packets would be extremely useful once things got to that phase, and they are very easy to transport (light weight). They could be used to trade for other things that you need, and it would be easy to trade for a lot of things - because you can easily keep a lot of seeds :)


That's a warm fuzzy, that has little practicality to it. When people are starving, they will either steal the seedling or pick every tomato that grows before you get to it. Some people will eat the tomato plant itself.

There is a 99 year old woman that died in the last 3 years named Clara that did recipe demonstrations on youtube. She talked about living through the great depression. Her neighbors, who she had great repoire with, were scavenging her garden one day. It was a sad day for both her, and her neighbor, who only did what they felt they needed to do.

If you're interested in checking out some of her videos, try this link.

tl;dr you won't be able to grow a vegetable garden with seeds without someone stealing the seeds, the plant, or the fruit it bears when people are starving.

The seeds would only become useful if one managed to get past the survival 'every person for themselves' stage, and to the point where some level of civility returned, and a barter/trade system began to form. You are right though - as long as people are still stealing and killing to survive, then seeds will do no good :)

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