Why you need people in your life you trust.

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Everyone has friends, everyone has people around them.

Firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something.

People come into your life and people leave your life, there are a lot of different situations where you build trust with people. This trust allows that person to influence your life in a positive or negative way. The trust can be built and may take time but it can also be broken in an instant. From choices you make, to habits you break. You have to make decisions based on your ability to decide what is beneficial to yourself, so you even have to build trust with yourself.

Why trust is important in relationships, whether romantic, or friendship.

Trust you build with those around you often gives them an amount of persuasion or influence in your life. The people you trust the most, will have the most influence, persuasion, and could have either positive or negative effects on your life. The more you trust someone the more you let them in, get to know you, and what would be beneficial to both parties involved in building trust is if the other person's best interest is also a top priority

Why someone who keeps your best interest as a priority is the ONLY ones to build trust with.

When you trust someone, you are giving them power to influence you, look out for you, and to potentially make or break you. The people you let into your life and build trust with need to have your best interest, and not just their own. At the top of their list. As you allow them to influence your decisions, influence your life. As well as influence who you become, the type of people in your life that you let in are going to help shape and mold you. Are you letting the right people in? Do the people you currently trust have your best interest in mind? Are they building you up, or tearing you down?

How often do we trust someone, just because we want them to trust us?

Many times in life you want to influence someone, you want to have them trust you. So what better way than to trust them? This is when I have to ask what are you building this bond of trust on? If it isn't a sturdy foundation, a solid foundation, then that trust can easily be broken; but also very damaging as well.

Trust your family, and when I say family. I don't mean your parents.

Family to me means the people that are always there and always looking out for me, not only for their own interest but for me as a person, to keep up with me to understand me. They want to see me do well and so they keep me accountable and help pick me up when I get down and expect the same treatment in return. Not because they put in half effort and expect some huge return. This is another type of person and I would never trust them.

Keep your guard up, it is easy to spot people you shouldn't trust.

If you don't trust someone and don't let them influence you or persuade you to do things. There is a huge chance this person will simply stop trying, these are the types of people that you should just let go. Don't let them influence you, as these are the types of people who will influence you in a way that will benefit them and more than likely harm you, maybe only in the long. Even starting that type of trust bonds could have a long and lasting effect.

Thanks for being here, you literally make this experience,
~ @Timbo

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