8 things to remember when things are bad

in #life8 years ago

No matter, no matter what life you can always find reasons to be thankful. Happiness - it is not the absence of problems, and the payment to solve them. You should always try to look at the positive side (which is what you have, rather than what you lost).

8 things to remember when things are bad:

Pain - is an integral part of spiritual growth. Sometimes life is closed all the doors, it is time to move on. This is a good thing, because people tend to do nothing until you do not make life. When times are hard, it is necessary to remember that nothing happens without a reason. Let your conversation below, but never forget the lessons taught by the hard times. If you have to fight for their survival, it does not mean that everything is bad. Due to the success worth fighting. Good things take time to happen. Be patient and stay positive. Maybe not immediately, but eventually you will succeed. Remember that there are two types of pain: one who hurts those who you are replacing.

Everything in this life is temporary. Every time the rain starts and ends. Every time you injure, you are cured. After dark is always light - as a reminder to us every morning, but we still forget it and think, that night will last forever. Shortly. Nothing does not last forever. Therefore, if everything is going well now, rejoice in it. It does not last forever. Also, as bad things will not be eternal. If life at the moment is not easy, it does not mean that you can not laugh. If something is bothering you, it does not mean that you can not smile. Every moment brings a new beginning and a new ending. A second chance to get every second. Just need to take it and try to do everything in your power.

Concerns and complaints does not change anything. Those who complain the most, the least reached. It is always better to do something and be wrong, than to do nothing. Not end of the world, even if you fail. If you do something you believe in, do not stop trying. Do not allow the various fears prevent you achieving your goals. If you spend all day complaining, you do not do anything for tomorrow what can be improved. True happiness comes when one stops to challenge and start to feel grateful for everything we have.

Your scars - this is your strength symbols. Do not thou therefore ashamed of scars on his body. Rand means that something has ended and painful wound was healed. This means that you have conquered pain, learned a lesson, you become stronger and more strongly going on. Rand - it is a sign of victory, which you should be proud of. Do not let the scars overshadow the joy of life. They eliminate difficult and sometimes even impossible, so you need to change attitudes.

Each tiny battle makes at least one step closer to the goal. In life, patience is not waiting, is the ability to keep a positive thinking and hard work, the pursuit of their dreams. Most importantly believe in what you're doing. Otherwise, not worth even start. It may be that in order to aim for a time lose stability and comfort. It may be that sometimes will not have what to eat or where to sleep. It is possible that will have to sacrifice some of the relationships and give up everything we have today. It may be that a lot of time to spend alone. However, if this will help at least a little closer to the highest goal of life, to do so it is worth it.

Other people's negativity is not your problem. It is important to remain positive, even if all around is negative. Smile when others try to keep you down to earth. This is the easiest way to save enthusiasm. No matter how other people treat you, always remember to be yourself.

What is destined to be, that in the end will be. You can not speed up the events, no matter how tempting it sometimes. Do not lose faith, try to live in the here and now, rejoice in small things and try less to doubt yourself.

The best thing you can do - this is to keep going to move forward. Do not be afraid to start again from the beginning (try again feel love again, allow yourself to live again and again learn to dream). The best life lessons fossilises most difficult times and the biggest mistakes. Sometimes life will be days when it seems that everything happens, what can happen to the worst. Sometimes you feel stuck, when in fact it is not. You are learning little by little life lessons, learning to fly and be their best version.

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