6 Things I Wished I knew Before Going to College

in #life6 years ago

I attended a 4-year university and majored in Engineering way back when... :D Looking back, I truly regretted the path that I took and wished I had known all my options before making that decision. Of course, I've learned a whole lot more over the years since. Here's a list of what I wished someone explained to me:

1. Attend a 2-year College

I knew about this option, but the adults in my life made it seem like it was a waste of time, and that it wouldn't benefit me much. Going to a 2-year college would have opened my horizon and given me the opportunity to explore the different types of degrees before committing to one.

2. Trade School

I didn't know about this one. Trade schools take less time because they focus on what you NEED to learn for the job you want; NO extra courses needed. You also get some hands-on experience. That one would've saved me a lot of years of school and a boatload of money.

3. Take a Break to Figure it Out

I was under so much pressure to attend a post-graduate school right away that taking a break would've been like committing the unpardonable sin. Taking a short break can put things in a different perspective because you'll have more time to research, volunteer (intern), and even work to save money for college.


4. Don't take out loans

This one is a BIG one. Most students take out loans during their college years. Whatever of that amount I had left went towards my (expensive to me) apartment rent. For those of you who don't know, you can return any excess of your loan amount back to the Financial Aid office, and it will go directly towards the principal (not the interest).

5. Get Real Work Experience While Attending College

After my college graduation, it took me a while to get a job (at least in my field of study) because the companies required that I had valid work field experience. That was a bummer! I acquired all that knowledge and nobody would give me a chance. It didn't matter how high my GPA was or what I did for my Senior Project. Searching on the internet or making calls to some local companies to intern/work could've opened many doors for me in the long run.

6. No Affirmation Given

This one doesn't apply to everybody. But it did to me BIG time. While you may have gotten some personal affirmation from your teachers and other students in high school, that's not always the case in college, especially in these big colleges. Affirmation can encourage you to keep on doing better in whatever you're doing. Without it, it was like running a car with no fuel for me. I wished I knew back then that my worth was from what God thought of me and not humans. The Bible says that "I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works" (Psalm 139:14) And that includes my brain and its capacity.

Now, we can't go through life carrying regrets with us. What did I do with everything I've learned over the years? Well, I share it with others, especially now in this graduation season. In greeting cards, while other adults write things like "This is a new beginning and it will open many doors for you...," I write about what none of the adults I knew told me. While going to a 4-year university gave you many great opportunities decades ago, it's not always the case nowadays because the job market has changed. And with the amount of debts students are acquiring after graduation, most are forced to accept any job offers just to pay the bills, even if it has nothing to do with their degree.

With that said, share your wisdom and experience with the younger people in your life as a way to guide them in their new journey.


Very informative for young folks, thank you for sharing. Nice graphic chart to help stop "negative self talk" with Scripture. We call it "stinkin' thinking" -- LOL!

I went to a small college and as much as I enjoyed meeting the new people, if I knew what I did now... I wouldn't have made the same choices and I could of saved money! But I agree with you on your post, take time to research and not feeling pressured. I want my children to know that just because they don't choose college, doesn't mean they won't go anywhere in life. Thanks for sharing this!

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