Is Dillary Crump the POTUS You've Been Waiting For?

in #life8 years ago

I understand wholeheartedly why many people would rather see Trump as CEO of the UNITED STATES Corporation as opposed to Hillary, this seeing as how the corruption of the Clinton crime syndicate goes way back. Also the staggering fact that Clinton admitted that she protected whom she believed to be a pedophile, from meeting the justice that he deserved.

Will Hillary Pay For Her Legion Of Crimes

Yet unfortunately in this election cycle we’re in the position as South Park so aptly pointed out of choosing between a giant douche and a turd sandwich. Allot of people vote for the candidate that they would like to see take office. However, seeing as how these candidates are so polarizing in their very nature it’s forcing allot of folks to vote against the candidate that they don’t want to see take office.

In a way it does make sense, if you don’t want to see someone take office, voting against them by endorsing the opposition seems like a solid move. Yet we have to remember that time tested adage that tells us to be careful what we wish for, because ultimately you might end up getting just that.

So let’s say that the majority unites in voting Hillary out of the race for office by endorsing Trump with their vote at the polls. What can we expect from Trump, based on things that he has already said? Right now I just want to focus on several of the disconcerting things he’s said. Also I’d like to preface it with the acknowledgement that he makes allot of sense on allot of issues, and I think that from a business perspective he could probably wage allot of good.

Yet sprinkled into the good is the bad, and that’s what I want to focus on. Issue number one is that Trump has openly declared his ideas that we should have taken (or stolen) the oil belonging to both of the sovereign nation State’s Libya, and Iraq.

You can see that for yourself at the two videos below.

Trump: Keep Iraq's Oil

Trump: Keep Libya's Oil

He has also advocated bringing back waterboarding, and “a hell of allot worse”. Waterboarding is and has been considered torture for a long time. The U.S. likes to play word games with legal definitions to try and classify waterboarding as some form of legal and accepted interrogation tactic, nevertheless it is in fact torture.

You can see that interview below.

Trump on Waterboarding (Torture)

Trump has also strongly implied that Edward Snowden should be killed after having had dubbed him a “Traitor” in an interview on Fox News. 

You can watch that clip below.

Trump on Edward Snowden

Another disconcerting aspect about Trump is that he is in favor of Stop-and-Frisk which to me seems like a direct affront against the 4th amendment to the Constitution.

You can watch that clip below.

Trump on Stop-and-Frisk

I’m not trying to say who I think you should vote for; I guess I’m just putting this out there to inform that our options are pretty crappy any way you look at it. Even the so called libertarian candidate Gary Johnson, he’s not a real libertarian. In fact, I think he might be a couple fries short of a happy meal if you know what I mean.

Learn more about that below.

Gary Johnson Acting the Fool

So in summation if Trump wanted to in his first term he could steal both Venezuela’s and Iraq’s oil, leaving behind a permanent military presence to protect said stolen goods. If he makes a really good deal with Russia he could have Snowden extradited to the U.S. tried for treason and then hung in a public square. He could continue the practice of torture that bush introduced, and that Obama cleverly redefined (probably more than once).  Also to top it all off, he could abolish the fourth amendment to the constitution by embracing stop-and-frisk nationwide.

One of the big problems that this country had with Obama was that he is just too damn popular with a certain segment of the population. I could see the same kind of thing happening with Trump. I wonder what is worse, having someone who engages in unconstitutional behavior who is popular, or unpopular?

I’ll end by saying always beware of what’s going on, and be aware of how your actions will impact your reality. As for me, I won’t be voting for any of these jokers.

Another question worth asking is does a new CEO of a corporation have the right to alter existing security contracts that other nation states or global organizations may have signed with his/her company. Also wouldn't it make sense that these contracts would have incorporated into their language non-disclosure agreements? Could this be why the new POTUS always seems like the old POTUS, are they simply contractually bound to maintain a course set by their predecessors? Food for thought anyhow.


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Why thank you kindly papa-pepper!

No problem!
My Pleasure!

1 minute and up to a 33.
That's 8 higher.
I'll be following you too!

There are times that I am really glad not to be a US citizen with voting right :)

By the way, in our little middle European country we did the same for at least last five elections - voting against and not for. What you get is somebody you can't relate to but at least you hope he / she is not making any real damage.

Yes, it al comes down to damage control. Which is a very hard thing to do if you are the leader of the free world inflicting the most damage whichever way you turn..

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