Have Police Adopted the Vatican’s Pedophile Protection Program?

in #life8 years ago (edited)

It’s common knowledge that catholic priests are, or have been historically shuffled around after having molestation allegations leveled at them. This is how the Church attempts to protect itself from liability. Then some new trusting and naive community of faithful people take on a Priest who has a hard on for little boys or girls, and the cycle will repeat itself.

In the above mainstream media news clip it investigates the phenomenon of ‘Gypsy Cops’ who are very similar to pedophile priests in their ability to get away with what they’ve done, and continue to keep working as a corrupt cop. They resign and simply get a job in another city where they can continue to abuse their authority as they leave more victims in their wake.

Police violence has been endemic in America for a very long time, long before Black Lives Matter had inaccurately perceived that this is a problem that only affects black people. I’ve seen video clip after video clip of people of all colors get murdered or abused by the police for less than nothing. I’ve been observing the phenomenon very closely for the past 11 years (since the inception of YouTube).

Ultimately, our problems in this country with policing starts with the legislative branch of government first and foremost, as there are far too many laws on the books which tend to criminalize certain activities arbitrarily. Activities wherein the criminal is not creating a victim but rather merely pursuing their own happiness. Eliminating the war on drugs alone would go a long way to ending arbitrary police contact with random people, which will many times escalate into a murder death kill.

This in combination with the gypsy cops, which absolutely has to end. Whenever a police chief allows a dirty cop to resign in lieu of being fired all it does is serve to add fuel to the fire, and it increases the problem many fold.

Right now the American people are like a ticking time bomb, all of the police shenanigans are like Chinese water torture. The protests are getting more and more violent. BlackLivesMatter needs to evolve, they need to eject their racist members and embrace a new motto. One suggestion that I have is ‘Our Lives Matter’ which is just as true as the fact that black lives matter, yet it is more inclusive and welcoming so that everyone can feel comfortable getting involved.

The first step in getting the police problem in check would be to abolish victimless crimes one by one. If you can limit the police contact with people by doing this, there will be far less violence committed against the community by the police. The drug laws might be a good place to start, imagine if groups like BLM occupied congress, and demanded that laws that turn peaceful people into criminals be abolished. That alone if achieved would go a long way to solving the problem.

In addition to that, it’s obvious that the gypsy cops have to go. If a responsible organization of Sheriff’s instituted, or lobbied for a nationwide policy to simply fire people who flagrantly violate American’s human or constitutional rights. It would go far better for the community and the reputation of police nationwide. When Police chiefs stop protecting the shit heels, and start to shit-can them, then the people will notice. It will take some time, yet the combination of abolishing victimless crimes, and firing dirty cops would go a long way into changing the perception of police in this country.


I heard of this type of stuff happening. I recently saw a news report about 3 cops who were caught assaulted a teenager made him eat some pot. Before they got fired they resigned. They did this so they can continue employment with other police departments.

I think that one of the biggest problems we face in the world today is the growing "I don't want to get involved" mentality. People "say" they want things to change, but they're simply unwilling to do anything but whine about it to other people who also "can't be bothered" to do anything.

The incessant drone of "someone (else...but not me...'cause I got shit to do...) REALLY needs to do something about that..." and the resultant lack of change are the most consistent things in society today.

I think that, given the last 50 years of abject failure, we can no longer offer up the excuse that "we hired the government to do that for us, so we don't have to waste our time doing it" as though it means anything, or that it'll change anything. It's fairly certain that it hasn't, it isn't, and it won't.

It's up to us.

If it can fit in the commercial break.


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