Google Shows Base on Mars!

in #life7 years ago

If we are to believe our own eyes with this one. Man has either already created a base on mars, and or someone at Google just pulled off one of the most epic trolling stunts ever!



Given the image quality (or lack thereof) in the immediate vicinity, I doubt it's real. But if it is, I'm all for it... it's about time we had life on Mars. ;)

@justinchase, I believe if you click on the image credit the Google (Earth) Mars web application allows you to zoom in for a closer look.

I could create this in photoshop in a minute ;) I think it is just the trolling haha!

@justinchase and @sauravrungta, it appears you are both correct. This is apparently one of the many April fools day pranks that Google conducted for April of 2017. They even went so far to do a street view for it, and allow you to enter the fake building that they fabricated for the prank. The Street View and the building is where the illusion really begins to fail.

I think it's in poor taste for them to keep it hosted. Many of us are acutely aware that mankind's true technological achievements and capability is highly suppressed from the top down. I don't think anyone buys into the idea that the fastest plane in the world, which was designed in 1957 is still holding a record that we can't top.

This kind of prank would be a perfect strawman to attack if we actually did have a base on mars, or even the moon. The media could conflate any legitimate claims with the prank that Google conducted in 2017 and everyone would laugh at the whistleblower and carry on as if though their claims were baseless.

So yeah, great cover for future leaks, but Google takes a hit on their credibility by continuing to host the doctored satellite image. As if they havn't already done enough damage to their credibility via algorithmic manipulation on their flagship search engine, and YouTube.

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