A Happy and Successful Long-Term Marriage is More Than Winning The Lottery!

in #life7 years ago

Let me start with a quote," A great marriage is not a union of perfect couple,but an imperfect couple who accepts and embraces each other flaws". To make a long-term marriage happier and stronger, every couple needs to find a way to sustain the fluttery feeling of excitement and anticipation which everyone experienced at the beginning of a relationship..


Over the course of my 25-year marriage, there are times when I’ve felt my own wife and I were starting to become so familiar with each other that we were settling into a stultifying — albeit comfortable — routine. Thus, creating a feeling of boredom.

Majority of the men I know, some are friends and relatives, claimed that because of emotional dissatisfaction and not sex is the main reason why men seeks the company of other women.Appreciation is very important in marriage, when men don’t feel connected or appreciated by their wives, they are vulnerable to the advances of any attractive woman who casts a lustful glance their way. This is also true on the other way as well.

with many years of marriage, accompanied with large amount of responsibilities,it is easy to let your appearance slide. It is important to pay your spouse the same courtesy you do your friends by fixing yourself up for him or her every once in awhile.
It is also important that you allow your partner to have foster relationship outside your marriage. Let him/her mingle with others and enjoy new experiences.It will make him/her a more interesting person when both of you are around. Your marriage should be your primary relationship — but it need not be the only one.

Another important measures to keep in mind is to be cautious on many things that you have to say to your long-time spouse. In that sense, it will avoid unnecessary cause of fight between you. Stop for a minute and think about what you really mean to say — and then say that instead. Most of our problems start out small enough and from that sprouts a giant festering sore.

Sometimes the best way to address a problem is to just walk away from it — as in seriously let it go. Practice letting go as much as you can. Forgive more. Forget more.And once in a while, remind yourself of why you married this person. Focus on those reasons and let stuff pass without mention.

Relationships aren’t flat-lined; that’s death, actually. Life has ups and downs, peaks and valleys. Truth is, in a marriage, you spend most of your time in an emotional middle ground.

Be Kind to your partner, we tend to take advantage of those we love the most , probably because we know they love us and we can get away with it. It’s the old kick-the-cat syndrome. A much healthier pattern is to start out each day by asking yourself, “What can I do today to make my partner happy?” And mean it. This rule applies to parenting as well, but in a happy marriage, people are busy trying to please each other.

And lastly, we have to maintain intimacy and passion, both inside and outside the bedroom. What I mean is that, don’t let others define what is a “normal” or “healthy” amount of sex for your marriage. Know that things change, but that doesn’t make them less exciting or fun. And intimacy comes in many shapes, including conversation and cuddling.




Anyone who doesn't take truth seriously in small matters cannot be trusted in large ones either.

- Albert Einstein

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