Staying positive in a negative world.... be a work in progress

in #life6 years ago (edited)

My heart breaks every time I watch the news.

photo, stitchery, design © Heather Johnsgaard

I don’t think a day goes by when we don’t hear things like someone got killed, kidnapped or died of cancer; a child or animal was abused; a house burned down; a hero lost their life; we are doomed with what we eat, or stocks have dropped.

I struggle with the way we treat our environment and our fellow man, and I struggle with people who refuse to see what is going on outside their door, especially when they can help, but they won’t.

I cringe when I am on social media and it seems the most glorified posts belittle, harass, or bully others and still more are driven to throw extra fuel on the fire. You are blocked for asking a legitimate question or accused of an action or remark taken in the wrong context.

With so much negativity surrounding us, what motivation is there to remain positive, to rise above all the doom and gloom, and to hope for both a better world and a happier life?

It all starts with me

The life we choose to live is the life we shall receive

photo, stitchery, design © Heather Johnsgaard
If I choose to be negative, I will in all likelihood receive a negative response in return. Therefore, if I choose to be positive I will surely receive positive vibes back. It seems like a cliché and in some ways it may just be. After all, how can we stop all the bad things happening to us, which no doubt will lead to negative thinking?

The answer is simple, we can’t.

We cannot appreciate sunshine if we have not endured the rain. We cannot enjoy laughter if we cry no tears. We cannot feel love until we experience pain.

But, we should strive to grow as much good stuff as we can.

Therefore, I can do, and I can give, and I can spread good vibes with an expected positive outcome for more than just myself. If each and every one of us can live in a positive frame of mind, we can change the world.

photo, stitchery, design © Heather Johnsgaard
Treat others as we would wish to be treated: if we want kindness, we must practice kindness. It doesn’t mean said kindness will be reciprocated, however we will personally feel better and more positive, knowing we have expressed the best of ourselves to another living being. Without any expectation, kharma just might return the same to us in a moment when we may need it most ourselves.

Be thankful for something each and every day: it’s not always easy being thankful when things go wrong in our lives; when people hurt us, when we run out of money before the next paycheck, or when we fall ill. But we need to look at what we do have in our lives which is good and worthy.

Even in our darkest moments we can find something to be thankful for. The hardest part may just be looking for it. For a time when I walked my dogs I would say all the things I was thankful for. “I am thankful for the warm sun shining on my face”, “I am thankful I can walk today”, “I am thankful for my dogs because I am not alone” “I am thankful I am strong”. This practice always made me feel better.

Take on a cause: It doesn’t mean you have to start up an organization, but you could volunteer at one. Or it could mean just doing little things for the better good; caring for the environment; sewing seeds for the bees; shovelling your neighbour’s walkway.

Avoid those who breath negativity: This can be hard especially if negative activity comes from within your family. Avoid approaching subjects you know will not be well received or start an argument, and try to steer the conversation onto happier topics. Avoid people who bring you down. Look for another job if the one you have is causing you stress.

photo, stitchery, design © Heather Johnsgaard
Kind words or a small token: Leave a compliment in the suggestion box of stores to let management know when you have received excellent service from an employee. Drop a box of chocolates off for the nurses who helped you in the hospital. Leave a note somewhere for a complete stranger to find which contains positive and uplifting words.

Pay compliments to a stranger: People, strangers, have literally stopped in their tracks from receiving just a single compliment. Make someone smile today with a few joyful words.

Change can only happen if we let it

I, by no means have all the answers, in fact, I can’t even honestly say I always practice what I preach. I can, however, say I am a work in progress. I continue to strive for the greater good in my life and to enhance the lives of others I come in contact with.

We can only lead by example, be a work in progress for the better good.



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So true, but why not focus on positive things? There is so much fake news already over nearly 200 years! Because of that even wars started (against Spain for example thanks to the New York journal).
There was a fire and guess what? The fire burned the valve of the water pipe and because of that the fire went out so the fire brigade could leave again.
After 17 years there seems to be a breakthrough of a little girl, 9 years old, that disappeared 17 years ago (hard to believe the police was busy solving the case).
Millions of euros and dollars are given to help out poor people abroad, many animals have a very good, spoiled to death life... keep in mind in the western world we are spoiled if it comes to what is good or bad or (still) allowed and it is seldom as black as it is painted.

Posted using Partiko Android

Everything you say is spot on @wakeupkitty...

why not focus on positive things?

... and that is my point exactly, focus on the positive things and do what you can to make the world a better place. We all need to take everything we hear with a grain of salt, otherwise, what a depressing world it truly would be.

Life is about making the best of what we can, throwing in a little extra help is a bonus. Being a work in progress identifies my weakness or shortfalls and makes me strive to be "more".

And yes, here in the western world we are spoiled; we cannot even begin to fathom the trials and tribulations others go through... and we are lucky, I do not ever deny that.

Thanks for visiting and your insightful comment, much appreciated :)

How about posting positive news, big or small or changing a negative view into positive?

Posted using Partiko Android

Yes, that works...

I think we are saying the same thing, in a different way @wakeupkitty

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