The positivity challenge: Day 5, Go smile a bunch ya crazies!

in #life6 years ago (edited)

"In every day, there are 1,440 minutes. That means we have 1,440 daily opportunities to make a positive impact.”

— Les Brown

What a journey it has been so far, I made it to Day 5. I gotta say, I was kinda feeling weird in the beginning about this challenge but all that doubt was probably me wanting to stay in denial. I have never been much of the confrontation type. Good or bad, I never liked reflecting upon my life much. I do happen to talk a lot about feelings and emotions as such and I think a lot of people around me confuse me to be an over expressive person, but the fact is I never really expressed anything beyond the top layer of my feelings. I did not even know what has been going on deep down inside me.

It is a lot like trees and plants growing on a piece of ground, we can see those and our knowledge of that ground goes as far as that, but what is happening deep down, miles under the ground can be really bewildering. For all we know there could be an earthquake cooking, or maybe hidden under is a mine of gold, perhaps a lost city, a forgotten world. Lately I have been trying to unearth this little forgotten world of my own. However lame the challenge sounds, for a second it implores you to stop whining and complaining about how tough your life is and it makes you think.

It makes you think about all the things which are still good and beautiful, it makes you think about the most defining moments of your life, it makes you appreciate all those hands of help that somehow shaped you into the person you are today, but, most of all it shows you that there still are so many unmarked, unscarred, uninked (not even sure if these are real words, but for the sake of feelings let's roll with them) pages in your life that you can fill with a smile on your face. Of course, there will be few tears here and there, couple heartbreaks over the time but it is still going to be a beautiful adventure. Why? Because you are the star of your story! How could it be shitty?

So today, I am thankful that I happened upon this challenge because it made me think of all the good times and no matter how much is fucked up in my life right now, there still are people in my life who make my life one hell of a ride. It reminded me of the opportunities and wonderful crazy crap that happened so far. I am thankful for all of it.

Go pick up a pen, and write all the things that you are grateful for!

Image by Pexels
Written by @things, 2018. All rights reserved.

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