Shower Thoughts Thursdays - The whole find your passion thing!

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Many a times people ask me "So what do you feel passionate about? What are your future plans?" An inner monologue begins. Let's take a walk through it shall we.

I woke up today feeling as lost as I do everyday, the feeling of not knowing what to do with my life only grows more intense.


A monologue then begins while I am in the shower:

I like space, maybe I can become one of those people who volunteer to go into deep ass missions to distant planets where no one wants to go. I mean worst case scenario I die out there. Actually worst case would be if I get stuck and lost in space and I can't die.

Maybe I will die of starvation, or ohhh maybe I will enter a worm hole and reach a different world or a dimension of earth where my version there is queen of the galaxy. Shit will she want to be my best friend? Or worse will she be threatened by my amazing personality and try to end me. She sure will have shit load of robotic alien soldiers who will attack me. Oh no, I know myself, that bitch will probably put me in another spaceship and send me off to space again, and then maybe I will encounter weird ass radiations, my DNA gets modified and I become hulk or like silver surfer or wait, I become superwoman. Shit that would be awesome. First things first I will come back and torture that bitch who sent me into deep space again. Yep that'd be nice. Too heavy man.


I love Netflix and I am a binge watcher. Okay, one day I get like super drunk and write a mind blowing TV show review and then Beyonce's manager reads it and goes like damn let's make this woman famous. I then become world's best reviewer, I earn some money and invest it. I buy a production company and earn shit load of money, win an Oscar maybe. I will be like Walt Disney and open Monaland. Should I call it thingsland, thingamagique? Wait I got it, Things'Universe. Yep, solid.

So many responsibilities, maybe I should like become one o' them YouTubers or Instagram celebrities, or maybe a steemit celebrity. I will then buy Bora Bora and sip margaritas on a beach forever. Yep this is the best one.


I should eat, but what? Guacamole? Damn right. Wait, what must children in poor parts of Africa be eating? They probably do not even have drinking water. I can't believe I was about to sip margaritas forever while the world suffers. Could I be more of a horrible person.

Inner Bitch: "Aw honey, why don't you think more on this, I mean the water from shower has only been running for an hour now, but hey, your problems are bigger than the issue of limited water sources of earth. You go on ahead darling, bitch and moan a bit more please."

Annnnnnd with that the monologue ends!

Ever happens to you? Let me know!

Ciao ya adorable freaks

Second Image by Pexels
Written by @things, 2018. All rights reserved.


I'm all for a deep space mission. Spend a few years binging on Netflix and reading and end up one of the first to set foot on a new planet? Doesn't sound like a bad gig to me.

NOW that my friend sounds like a plan!

haha...Loved your article !!
And being in space, may be when you reach the another world, The people there like you so much that they make you their queen and you live a posh life thereafter :D
And I would suggest to take a joint then getting drunk and then write down your series or whatever..hahah

Oh, I’ve done that one before hahahah. Really gets the thought process going many a times.

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