Ways To Reform The U.S. Military: Part 1steemCreated with Sketch.

in #life6 years ago

I served in the U.S. Air Force from 2000-2007. My job code was 3C0X1 (Communications computer systems operator). My highest rank was E-5 (Staff Sergeant), and I received an honorable discharge. After separating, I wrote a series of posts about how the U.S. military is a cult that uses brainwashing techniques to indoctrinate recruits and commits other indignities and injustices against them. You can find links to those essays at the bottom of this page. Several people have commented asking what the alternative is. So here’s my tentative list of reforms that would address the systemic flaws in America’s military system.

Improve transparency of recruiting and contracts.

In my blogs I state the U.S. military is consciously designed using the cult model to brainwash troops into becoming suicidal, unquestioning zealots, and the Uniform Code of Justice strips enlisted troops of their civil rights and turns them into second-class citizens who live in a totalitarian culture where officers have the same power over them as slave owners.

Many people have argued these are necessary evils; since it’s not rational for human beings to charge into life-threatening situations, it’s necessary to hack recruits’ brains to change the way they think. Believe it or not, I can accept this. The purpose of war is to kill, which conflicts with the premise of civilized society. So if there must be war, then evil acts must be tolerated for the greater good. It would be naive to think otherwise.

However, if we lie to young, impressionable civilians, and tell them the purpose of basic training is to evolve them into a higher form of citizen, then everything they’re fighting for is based on a lie. By not giving recruits fair warning they’ll have their identity methodically stripped away and their values replaced, the U.S. government is stealing their souls. That’s existential murder.

If a patriotic recruit joins the military after receiving a lengthy briefing explaining everything they’re getting into, then that’s their choice. If a poor person joins the military because a recruiter told them they’re signing up for a lucrative adventure that will turn them into an uberman, that’s a bait and switch scam no one should tolerate.

Eliminate the use of mind control techniques.

Police officers, firefighters, search and rescue crews, ice road truckers, and civilian contractors in the military put their lives on the line every day without being systematically brainwashed or having their citizenship downgraded. So maybe using traumatic coercion to steal soldiers’ personalities isn’t a moral imperative.

Then again, maybe it is. However, until we’ve tried creating a fighting force that isn’t based on lies, we’ll never know, and we’ll all be guilty of crimes against humanity before war even breaks out.

The change doesn’t have to happen overnight. We could create special units that use different training programs and “customs and courtesies.” If those units fail to accomplish their missions, at least we can say cared enough about the troops to try treating them like human beings.

Give the troops their freedom and rights back.

Ostensibly, military service can’t be compared to slavery because every troop joins willingly and gets paid. The murky reality is that most enlisted troops join for the paycheck and benefits because they don’t have enough education or certifications to get a job that pays a living wage, offers benefits, or vacation time. According to the American Dream, anyone can work hard and become anything they want, but statistically, if your family is poor and you’re not smart enough to score 50% on the ASVAB, you’re going to spend the rest of your life as a wage slave and die broke. Picking between that and military service is less of a choice and more of a trick to make you volunteer for indentured servitude.

Even if you get paid well and receive full benefits, you still lose your civil rights. Officers have totalitarian power over enlisted troops. The military has legal jurisdiction over you 24 hours a day, and you have to obey all its laws even when you’re off duty on vacation in a foreign country. You’re not free to date or marry a person from a higher caste, change jobs at will, choose where you live, or quit your job. The punishments for walking off the job are: going to prison, getting blacklisted from the civilian job market for life, and execution.

If military service isn’t literally slavery, it’s too close for comfort. I’m not being hyperbolic when I say it resembles apartheid more than freedom, and it literally fits the criteria of multiple “human rights abuses.” If a civilian organization operated the same way, the public would be screaming for the U.S. military to shut it down and convict the leaders for crimes against humanity at The Hague.

If any of this is true, then we should give troops most of their freedom and rights back. The cost is too high, and all the benefits are tainted with sin. At the very least, give troops the freedom to leave. Then it’s their choice to stay second-class citizens in a totalitarian regime. Most of the troops who absolutely hate their job and have no intention of pulling their weight will leave. More importantly, it will be harder for politicians to sustain perpetual illegal wars for corporate profits.

Eliminate or restructure the officer corps.

The officer corps is an archaic institution that’s incompatible with modern values. It elevates one class of people and gives them total power over another. I’ll concede, it might be necessary for combat troops to work under officers who enjoy more rights and benefits on and off duty, but there’s no reason to give that level of power and privilege to office managers and dentists, or to dehumanize helpdesk technicians and jet engine mechanics.

Stop and think about this slowly. Do we really need segregated cafeterias with first-class and second-class seating? I don’t know if government-funded caste-systems are ever moral, but they might be endurable if they were effective. But any enlisted troop can tell you stories of moronic officers with God-sized egos who had bad ideas, wouldn’t listen to advice, and abused their rank. When you give people the power and glory of a dictator, and tell them to act like a leader, they’ll tend to act like megalomaniac dictators. It doesn’t happen to everyone, but it has had deadly consequences in war zones and will continue to do so.

The officer system also puts twenty-three-year-old college graduates with no real-world experience in charge of highly trained and experienced master sergeants who have to groom their lieutenants through their mistakes until they get promoted and are replaced with another unqualified kid. This is a failed experiment that is perpetually impacting the military’s missions and wasting taxpayer money.

All these problems could be solved by eliminating the officer corps and giving the most important jobs to people who have gone through the enlisted ranks and have the most on-the-job training. If the officer corps must exist, you should have to get promoted to at least E-7 before you can apply for Officer Training School. This would at least keep out the trust fund frat boys looking for a cushy, flattering, obscenely high paying job that looks great on a resume, and it would do a better job of matching the most important positions with the most qualified candidates.

Democratize the promotion system.

Each branch has its own promotion system, and they’re all so broken it would take too long to list all the reasons here. Basically, your fate is either determined by one or two people who might be idiots who hate you for the wrong reasons or you’re practically guaranteed promotion if you just sit around long enough.

My solution is to eliminate promotion cycles and allow everyone in the military to vote for everyone’s promotion. You log onto a military website, select a person who you feel deserves a promotion, and enter a justification. When a person has reached enough votes, they get reviewed by the promotion board.

Likewise, everyone should also be able to anonymously vote “not recommended for promotion.” This would prevent toxic managers from rising in power by kissing up to a few higher ranking individuals who don’t work with them and barely know them.

Put the prison system under the Department of Defense to brainwash and exploit prisoners.

If it’s a moral imperative that we must ignore the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and turn normal human beings into unquestioning killing machines without their fully-informed consent, then perhaps it’s a moral imperative to take this rule to its logical conclusion.

America’s prison system strips civilians of their freedom and rights just like the military. Many prisoners are mentally broken, institutionalized killers who owe a debt to society. If we’re already committing the same human rights abuses against prisoners as we are troops, then why not take advantage of the sin? Turn every prison into a basic training camp and put those sub-humans to good use doing society’s dirty work. They won’t complain about having their rights abused like I’m doing because they’re already used to it, and the public will never get upset because most people don’t care how prisoners are treated.

If you enjoyed this post, you’ll also like these:

9 reasons not to join the United States military
The military is a cult
How and why military basic training brainwashes recruits
The military rank structure is an inhumane caste system
Similarities between military tech school and the Stanford prison experiment
How basic training works (Comic)
How the officer corps works (Comic)


Yeah that's pretty accurate. Brainwashing works for the majority who otherwise can't be controlled and fails for pretty much everyone else. It's a double edged sword. You need to have control over literally a random bunch of people with nothing in common with one another except they're all wearing the same uniform right now.

I remember where I served (Canada) for a while there was this big uproar over contracts going to buddies with no objective system. Then all candidates had to be considered. Result ended up being that worthless candidates got through and fucked up postings more than the previous buddies did.

Anyways, I added you to our list of veterans on Steem. Everyone my account follows is a veteran. We're a diverse bunch.

All really great ideas. Civilians running the military is the worst thing to happen to the military. And generals deciding policy is just has bad.

Industrial prison complex saved and serving the industrial military complex, seems like a win win, though both already target the poor really discriminatly.

Wow.. it's surprising how accurate this is... I was in the Army from 88-92 in the infantry.. joined because I wanted to get away from my house ASAP..
I didn't think about it as brainwashing tho... more teaching discipline and building character... yes they did brainwash me on a individual basis but they taught me how to be part of a team... and everyone knows a HS grad can definitely use some discipline..
Your comment about it being indentured slavery hit the spot tho... The being US government property 24/7 is real... I think now a days recruits know what they're getting into.. there's to much technology not to.. anyway.. Just the ramblings from a THC clouded mind lol. Thanks for your service btw 🇺🇸

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