Tweets by The Wise Sloth: Feb 2017-April 2017

in #life7 years ago

  • My entire life I haven't been waiting to see what problem my president solves next, I've been waiting to see what problem he creates next.
  • Watching the Teenage Mutant Ninja turtles growing up, it always confused me that the smartest member of the team wasn't the leader.
  • Bruce Wayne should have hired 10,000 mercenaries and a wise council to fight evil instead of spending millions on a one-man vigilante fetish
  • "Teaching kids that the Earth is 6k years old is like teaching them that the distance across the United States is 17 feet." Lawrence Krauss (paraphrased)
  • The more you tell yourself the world is on your shoulders, the more it will feel like it.
  • It might save the world if everyone criticizes three things about their group every time they criticize one thing about another group.
  • If your plan to fight poverty involves making the rich, richer, you don't understand economics.
  • Moderate Americans and Muslims should strategize to redouble their efforts to educate their extreme members instead of passively enabling them
  • It baffles me how people absorb news and wisdom from around the world on phones, then use the same apps to say technology is tearing us apart.
  • You can tell the size of someone's weed habit by the size of their grinder.
  • Just once I'd like to hear an American president tell all Americans to not act like victims and throw tantrums when their flaws are exposed.
  • The road to bankruptcy and debt is paved with "opportunities of a lifetime."
  • America's education system is so broken, it would be better to go 100% digital and close all brick and mortar schools.
  • The more rules you have to follow that stress you out, the more likely your soldiers and/or politicians must be failing at their job.
  • The more often and intensely you're afraid of accidentally or unintentionally breaking the law, the more likely you live in a police state.
  • It baffles me that in 2017 there are still people who believe politicians care about what people who haven't given them money think.
  • If you believe your bank cares about you, you're wildly mistaken. Their job isn't to help you get money. Their job is to take your money.
  • We need yard work appreciation day, where he who does all the yard work relaxes while his family experiences his pain for one day each year.
  • Most self-help, motivation and leadership books either teach how to be a more enthusiastic slave or slaver.
  • I want an app that calculates the shortest path and with the least amount of turns to mow your lawn.
  • "Convictions are more dangerous enemies of truth than lies. It's your convictions that make you vulnerable to lies."
  • "If the same kind of thing keeps happening to you over and over, it's probably not other people or random chance."
  • I love how freedom of religion prevents oppression but hate how much it's used to justify oppressing those who want to be free from religion
  • I bet most people in North Korea don't put any stock in the book, "The Secret."
    "The most dangerous lie is the one closest to the truth."
  • If the Easter Bunny were a unicorn, we wouldn't celebrate Easter, because it would force us to confront the fact that we celebrate mythology
  • You'd think humans would have learned by now, when a politician asks for more power, it's for their benefit, at your expense.
  • Either all your exes are jerks or nobody wants to stay with a spoiled brat who throws hate-tantrums every time you don't get what you want.
  • Radical SJWs and feminists need to embrace Abraham Lincoln's words, "Do I not destroy my enemies when I make them my friends?"
  • Americans need licenses to do anything but go to church. As long as that line isn't crossed, we accept having to apply/pay for our freedoms.
  • I wish Americans were as concerned with the freedom to buy medicine without a prescription as they are about freedom of religion.
  • It would solve so many problems later in life if schools taught children how to take a hint.
  • "A successful man is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks others have thrown at him."David Brinkley
  • "People who say it cannot be done should not interrupt those who are doing it." Unknown
  • The attitude you have as a parent is what your kids will learn from more than what you tell them." Jim Henson
  • The only thing that overcomes hard luck is hard work." Harry Golden
  • Just once I'd like to hear America's celebrity doctors say America's health care system could be fixed by doctors boycotting insurance.
  • You cross a line and do something to your soul when you wear sweat pants to a strip club.
  • You can't pretend you're not old anymore after you start meeting kids who are too young to remember the things that defined your childhood.
  • The more you find yourself telling people to give your hero a second chance, the more likely you should give your hero a second look.
  • The more passionately you support any American politician, the more you should doubt your objectivity and double check you're not wrong.
  • Americans have proven they can't protest without rioting. It's about time they try something different.
  • There tends to be an inverse correlation between the amount of time you spend complaining and the amount of time you spend doing something.
  • Just because someone says something you disagree with, that doesn't mean they're against you. They may just be for facts, and you're wrong.
  • "The real problem of humanity ... we have Palaeolithic emotions; medieval institutions; and godlike technology."
  • I wish humanity was as passionate about devoting resources to emigrating off Earth as we are stopping people from immigrating around Earth.
  • "We will not believe more than we know, and we will not live higher than our beliefs."
  • When Christians say they don't know or believe the Bible unambiguously approves of slavery, I assume they're totally Biblically illiterate.
  • It's baffling how many parents give their children religious books they've never read as their primary instruction book on life.
  • It's baffling how few parents have written instruction books for life to give to their children.
  • Every time you watch a TV commercial, you get dumber.
  • If you still trust American news stations after the 2016 POTUS election, your standards of journalistic ethics are catastrophically low.
  • Wisdom is too important to wait for it to fall into your lap. Not constantly seeking/collecting it is how you stay an idiot your whole life.
  • If you can't make yourself happy, you will inevitably make your lover miserable.
  • There are two types of rules: 1. Time-tested best practices for accomplishing a goal 2. Bullshit someone made up to control others
  • The longer you complain about being a victim, but have no plan to fix anything, the more likely you just have a delusional victim complex.
  • Give Trump a chance, they said. Every chance he's had, he proved his worst critics right. How many more chances does he get?
  • America would be a very different place if Trump's supporters were as critical of him as they were of Obama.
  • Trump bombed Syria for using WMDs. Then he uses a MOAB in Afghanistan, which has never been used because it fits the criteria of a WMD.
  • The quickest way to piss off someone in a cult is to tell them they're in a cult.
  • Schools should have classes that teach you how/why not to throw tantrums when you don't get what you want.
  • The easiest way to distract Americans is to make a controversial, heart-wrenching human interest story go viral.
  • A guy getting kicked off an overbooked flight is not the most important thing happening today and not what everyone should be talking about.
  • Aliens would be baffled by how much comedy humans watch on TV while our world is dying from wars, corruption, atrocities, oppression and waste
  • Proving to people you're right all the time is more likely a symptom of your insecurity and shortsightedness than strength and genius.
  • Politicians and soldiers should be as concerned about protecting us from insurance companies as they are about protecting us from terrorists
  • If politicians could be dishonorably discharged for negligence, bad conduct and crime, all of America's congress would qualify for one.
  • Just once I'd like to hear a politician advocate setting limits to how many laws a politician can break before being dishonorably discharged
  • "The price of originality is criticism. The value of originality is priceless."
  • American culture teaches children to question how things have always been done almost as much as it teaches them traditions are sacrosanct.
  • Just once I'd like to hear a politician talk about the need for grocery store reform because the system we got is creating obesity and poverty
  • Masculinity is toxic, said no feminist to their mechanics, plumbers, or soldiers ever.
  • Congressmen/women, who are picked by voters in single states, get to decide laws that affect every other state. Totally defeats the purpose.
  • At least once in my life, I'd like to hear a politician say voters should have the ability to veto politicians out of office by popular vote.
  • The reason cheerleaders exist is to cover up the fact that sports are boring.
  • If massage therapists have to do continuing education to keep their job, so should Congress.
  • My high school history teacher once told my class America was founded by criminals, slaves and religious freaks. It seems nothing has changed.
  • Growing experiences tend to come with growing pains. Accept it. Embrace it. Get on with it.*zY7uz0EJF5Bz52DQ.
  • When a woman complains to you about a problem, don't offer solutions and rationalizations. Just actively listen. All you have to do is wait.
  • Writers have two choices: 1. Write about the most important topics they can. 2. Write things that distract people from more important topics
  • The angrier the poor get at the rich, the more the media tells them to be angry at another group of people.
  • If you believe there's a liberal conspiracy to destroy America, the problem is you believe anything any fear-peddling shock jock sells you.
  • Knowledge is knowing the right answers. Wisdom is asking the right questions.
  • Rod Serling's monologs in "The Twilight Zone" tend to make as much sense as The Ultimate Warrior's monologs in the WWF.
  • Your job is more of an opportunity for your employer than for you.
  • Women, you can't make your boyfriend or husband better by bitching at him. You can only do that by loving, supporting and building him up.
  • Anyone pissed about white privilege would have their jealousy cured by spending a week living with me in my trailer by the train tracks.
  • The more times you've justified beating someone smaller than you, the more likely you're a god damn ass hole.
  • The more attention you pay to sports, the less important things you learn or act on.
  • Neither God or our ancestors would be proud of how our economy is designed to fuck people harder, the poorer they are.
  • No matter where you live, if you're proud of being in the majority, you're probably proud of being a gullible, surface-thinking idiot.
  • If there are an infinite number of universes, then there's a universe out there somewhere where each of us have had sex with Bill Nye.
  • Some people are confident in social situations because they practice success. Other people are confident because they just don't give a fuck
  • If you're hyperactive and can't stay still, and you don't have a hobby, you're leaving money and meaning on the table.
  • If Putin helped Trump win the election, it was probably more to help America fail than to help Trump succeed.
  • I wish the Republican Party would stop putting on pretenses and just change their name to the Fox News Party.
  • When someone asks for forgiveness for something they're not really sorry for, they're really asking for permission.
  • Trump could improve his approval rating quicker and easier by solving a few simple real problems than by grandstanding and sideshowing.
  • Today's excuses become tomorrow's regrets.
  • How do you create 1 rich person? By creating 10 poor people.
  • I wonder how many homes and gardens could have been built with the money America has spent spying on its citizens.
  • As long as there are for-profit prisons, ticket quotas and a war on drugs, there are no good cops, only accomplices to crime at best.
  • If you contradict everything I say, I'm going to give up trying to talk to you.
  • Despite what their advertisements and website say, anyone who would charge you 30% interest is not your friend.
  • If we protect people from hunger as zealously as we protect them from having their feelings hurt, we'd all love life and probably each other.
  • Elton John's music would have been more interesting if he was goth.
  • We promote and incentivize women getting in STEM fields for equality, but where's the push for gender equality in all the most deadly jobs?
  • Luckily, in America, the First Amendment allows you to speak freely about all your other rights the RNC and DNC are constantly taking away.
  • Every month hundreds of millions of Americans celebrate their freedom by living paycheck to paycheck.
  • Life according to conservativism: Blindly defending Democrats = sheep. Blindly defending Republicans = patriot. Not defending either = slacker
  • Just once I wish someone watching reality TV would drop their head in their hands and mumble, "Fuck. I'm what's wrong with this world."
  • Every year Americans celebrate their freedom by paying hundreds of dollars to renew their professional licenses that arbitrarily expired.
  • It's ironic when Muslims say Islam is a religion of peace, since Muslim extremists have killed more Muslims than non-Muslims by magnitudes.
  • The dumber the individual, the dumber the whole. We all have a personal and civic responsibility to not be stupid.
  • The more emotional a news host is, the more likely they're a shock jock.
  • American presidents are as synonymous with dishonesty as American military recruiters are.
  • Whatever your favorite radio DJ personalities are most excited about, you should not be.
  • For some reason, people hate it when you wear black shoes with a brown belt or visa/versa. It doesn't make any sense, but be prepared for it
  • The statement, "The more money you have, the better life is," is more true than the statement, "The more male you are, the better life is."
  • The statement, "The more money you have, the better life is," is more true than the statement, "The more white you are, the better life is."
  • The angrier and more frightened watching the news makes you, the less likely you're watching real journalistic new reporting.
  • If your plan to make the world better is to kill, incarcerate or deport all the bad guys, you're probably one of the bad guys.
    Image sources 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12
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