It's time to stop oppressing the academically dis-inclinedsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #life7 years ago

In order to live you have to earn money. Unless you're a trust fund baby this means you're going to have to work. In order to work you need academic credentials. At the very least you need a G.E.D. or a high school diploma. Anyone over the age of 18 who doesn't have a high school diploma will find it almost impossible to get any job other than entry level customer service work or hard manual labor. Most of these jobs pay minimum wage with little hope for advancement, health care or retirement plans. Being a hard, obedient worker won't help you rise above your station in life; that's just what's expected of wage slaves. You can pull yourself out of a life of poverty and thankless work by being really, really clever, but if you're not academically inclined enough to get a high school degree you're probably not clever enough to start your own business or teach yourself a rare job skill.

This means that if you're not academically inclined enough to pass high school then you're basically doomed to waste the rest of your life working as hard and long as possible for little money as possible. You'll never have enough money to buy a brand new car, a house or go on lavish vacations. Some people would say, "That's what you get for screwing up." To that I would reply, "You're a heartless monster." Failing high school does not mean you deserve to suffer for a minute, let alone the rest of your life.

Even if you are academically inclined enough to get a high school diploma but you're not smart enough to get a degree from an accredited university you're still stuck in basically the same position as those who don't have a high school diploma at all. You'll pretty much be limited to entry level work unless you can get some kind of trade certification. Some trade certifications will qualify you for jobs that pay a living wage. Some will even qualify you for a job that pays above a living wage, but statistically speaking, without a college degree you'll probably never live the good life, and the only way you'll be able to achieve financial security is by saving every penny you make and not enjoying any of the finer things in life during the best years of your life.

Faced with the prospect of having to work as a disposable wage slave for decades many people have chosen to sell drugs and commit violent acts of crime to earn money. Some of these people can be rightfully accused of being hopeless, ethics-less monsters, but many of them are simply choosing the most logical path to prosperity that society has allowed them. Our education/credentialization system is as much to blame for their crimes as they are, because our heartless, broken system forced them into that position where the risk of committing crime was less than the risk of working.

The punishment for failing at school is a life of destitution, servitude, malnutrition, exhaustion and hopelessness. This is not the way an enlightened society behaves, and the more we punish the academically disinclined the worse we make society. From a cosmic perspective we're also wasting the potential of infinitely valuable life forms who took 14.7 billion years to create. Furthermore, our failure to treat our fellow human beings decently puts a black stain on all of our accomplishments. As long as the oppression of the academically disinclined continues we all deserve a hard kick in the groin, especially our politicians and education administrators.
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Ok, I agree on some of the points that you make. Let me ask you these questions:

  1. How would you like to treat the academically inclined then? Is it morally correct for them to bust their asses in school from a very young age, taking multiple extra classes and working hard to get a good degree from a prestigious university and then end up with the same opportunity as those who did not? Why should they, who could not "have fun" during their childhood, suffer the same as those who did? You have what you put in, and they have put in far more than those who failed to get a high school diploma.
  2. Resorting to crime and violence is NOT society's sole responsibility. Their family upbringing, the environment they grow up with will have far more influence on how they turn out to be. If you let your kids hang out with drug dealers, chances are they'll more likely become drug dealers. There are multiple aspects of how people turn out to be who they are. To blame it squarely on society and education as a whole is to devoid people of their individuality and free will. There are people who came from the ghetto and grew up to be respected, productive member of society. Yes, those are the exceptions, and they show that they have iron will. Those who don't, resort to shortcuts.
  3. Do you seriously think that even with a good education background, even a Phd from a top school in the world, people can AVOID being a wage slave? If that's the way you feel, then you need to step into the other side of the spectrum. People, as one single collective group, are being wage slave to corporation regardless of their academic achievement. You might sit in a nice office with all the free stuff, but you're pulling 12 hours a day for 7 days a week. Do you know the soul crushing feeling that after all the effort one put in, the best you can do is grind away MORE than half your life on a cubicle? Do you know the reward for working hard with a good degree? TAXES, on everything that you earn, the higher your earning, the higher the tax.
  4. Final question and most important of all: What should we/you/I do to avoid unfairly punishing the academically disinclined? What do you propose so that the disinclined is not unjustly oppressed but at the same time, being fair to the academically inclined? Revolving around society whose values are pegged to the dollars, what metrics should we use to measure someone's skills and potentials?

I could write a 36 pages about how society is damaging people and why things are so bad the way they are. Please, enlighten us on HOW we could make it better, HOW we can being fair to one group of people without punishing the other groups. Should we put more money and effort into one group of people, HOPING that we can save a few and make them productive or should we focus our attempt on the brightest, hardworking, diligent group so that they can drive society to greater heights? I suppose only the wise gifted with foresight can tell us.

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