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RE: Giving Hope

in #life7 years ago

Beautifully written!! I'm about to head back to school myself as a high school counselor. High school is so tough and so much different than when we were kids. These are inspiring words that I can take with me as a reminder for what it is that I really need to be doing when all of the little details of my job try to steal my true mission away from me. Great article!


Thank you! I think you are such a hero for working in the school system and impacting these kids. It is so needed and it is a hard job. I'll be praying for fresh grace this year for you

Thanks. Next Monday is my first day back. I always get a little pit in my stomach but I'm hoping I can go back with renewed energy and wisdom! I do love my job and watching them make it through the challenges they face is what keeps me going.

If my life had gone differently in my younger years, I think I would have enjoyed pursuing a job similar to yours. As a parent, dealing with teens has been my favorite stage. I love getting to talk to them and help them process. I'm sure you are such a huge light of hope to those kids. Even if you don't feel like you are at your best or your most energetic, I'm sure just being you and being there is major for those teens

I actually happened into high school without intending to! I was an elementary and middle school teacher for quite some time. I always thought I'd be counseling at one of those levels. When I was applying, the only position open was for an alternative setting at the high school level. Oh man, I was so scared to take that leap! But so very glad I did. My students have taught me as much as I have hopefully taught them! It's never too late, you know! The world needs more passionate and compassionate high school counselors! ;-)

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