5 Movie Scenes These Celebs don't Love Filming

in #life7 years ago

For us outsiders looking in, it may seem as if celebs have it easy. We see the end result, when their movies hit the big screen. Then we see them smiling for the cameras, partaking in modelling shoots, and looking a million bucks during red carpet appearances. It appears as if they have no worries in the world. But what we don’t see is all the blood, sweat, and tears that they sometimes have to give and go through in order to get through a movie production. Making a movie is no average nine-to-five job. A serious amount of work goes into making a movie a success. Everyone on set has a part to play, from the directors, producers, and of course the men and women who get all the plaudits, the actors and actresses.

Movies are just generally hard to make. There’s no doubt about that. But occasionally the script throws up some creative differences, and there are parts of the movie that actors, producers and directors disagree with. When this situation arises, it’s normally the actors who have to swallow their pride and just get on with it, do the scene anyway, although they might not be entirely happy with the situation. They’re professionals and just have to get the job done for the sake of the movie. It may have not been pleasant for these stars while shooting these scenes, but as fans we sure do appreciate the outcome. These are 5 movies scenes, which for various different reasons, these stars hated filming.

5. Chris Evans – Captain America: Civil War


American actor Chris Evans is known for his roles in superhero movies, mainly Captain America, a role for which he received plenty of plaudits. He portrayed the character of Steve Rogers in those movies, but in his fifth outing as Captain America, he brought something new to our screens. Chris Evans has always been in shape, but for Captain America Civil War, he really packed on a huge amount of muscle, giving the superhero its iconic look. The directors wanted to show off Chris’ muscles, and what better way to do that than to have him straining to hold a helicopter with his bare hands. That did actually happen; there were no computer-generated effects in that scene. It was one powerful scene, but one that Chris hated filming. It doesn’t take a genius to work out why. Although he was portraying a superhero, Chris is a mere mortal, and pulling back a helicopter as it was trying to take off must have hurt like hell and probably felt like he was being pulled limb from limb.

4. Batista – Guardians Of The Galaxy


Dave Bautista, a.k.a. Batista, has slowly made the transition from wrestling to acting. He’s not quite up there on Dwayne Johnson’s level yet, but he’s certainly made a good go of things, and has landed some big roles. One of these roles was his portrayal of Drax the Destroyer in Guardians of the Galaxy. He won plenty of plaudits for that role and got nominated for a few awards too. Let’s face it, a whole lot of the star appeal of Batista is the fact that he’s a massive monster. He was therefore perfectly suited to the role of Drax. He looked like he could walk through a wall. But during the shooting of one scene in that movie, he wasn’t feeling big and powerful, but was actually feeling rather crappy about life. It was a fight scene, the one where he lost the fight to Ronan. Batista ended up getting tossed in a pool of yellow liquid, and he had to spend a considerable amount of time in that pool too before getting pulled out. Doesn’t sound too bad. But it was freezing on set that day and big Batista was recovering from the flu. I wouldn’t go as far to say that he was a death’s door, but it just really wasn’t a pleasant experience.

3. Daisy Ridley – Star Wars: The Force Awakens


It’s fair to say that Daisy Ridley was a relatively unknown actress until she landed her big role in 2015. Some of you still might not have the foggiest who Daisy Ridley is. When you see Star Wars, the bells should toll in your heads. English actress Daisy Ridley received her first massive break when she got cast in Star Wars: The Force Awakens. That’s one hell of a production to get thrown into. It must have opened her eyes up to a lot. Daisy’s recalled finding the scene they shot on the planet of Jakku incredibly tough. To simulate what they thought conditions would be like on the planet, they filmed scenes in the unforgiving terrain of the Abu Dhabi desert. Things were blowing up, Daisy and her co-star were getting chased, and they had to essentially sprint for long periods of time through the desert. But it wasn’t just the heat that Ridley hated. She found sprinting on the sand to be a killer for her legs.

2. Isla Fisher – Now You See Me


There are quite a few really horrible feelings in this world, but you can imagine that very few are worse than experiencing the feeling of drowning. You’re under water, unable to breathe, you can’t reach the surface, and then panic sets in, making matters worse. That’s what Isla Fisher experienced on the sets of Now You See Me. It was her opening scene, and she hated filming it for that very reason, because she wasn’t great at holding her breath and felt as if she was going to drown. This almost actually happened. Isla was shackled up and then submerged in a water tank. During one of the shoots, she just couldn’t get free and began to panic. There was a large crowd around the tank, and when she began to struggle, they just thought she was acting and so didn’t come to her aid. Eventually someone caught on that all was not well and came to her rescue. But it was a frightening experience for the Aussie actress.

1. Margot Robbie – Wolf Of Wall Street


Margot Robbie’s made quite the impression since bursting onto the Hollywood scene. She’s become known, not solely for her acting prowess, but for being the woman who’s prone to doing raunchy scenes. We’ve seen a whole lot of Margot Robbie over the years, and especially in that movie that made her a big hit, the Wolf of Wall Street. In that movie, she had to shoot a love scene, and hasn’t been shy in letting people know how she felt about it. She absolutely hated it, mainly because she just felt incredibly awkward. She felt awkward about having to do it at all, but having to do it with superstar actor Leonardo DiCaprio was even more intimidating. How did she get through it? She actually got through it by being the one in control and by being really assertive. That’s something that actually surprised Leo, because he certainly wasn’t expecting that level of assertiveness from Margot, especially during such a sultry scene.

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