You earn more but I'm lending you money?
How does that even work?!

My partner and I live together.
But we dont put our money together in a joint account like some couples do. We pay things straight down the middle 50/50. This is because he is shit with money, eg looking after it, not spending it, not buying stupid shit and buying things that you need.
Funnily enough, I didnt catch on to anything until it was too fucking late.
Either I didnt see, or I didnt bloody look - Either way, I guess I am part to blame. Not for his extremely poor money handling skills, but for allowing his poor money handling skills to effect me and loaning him money when he needs. He always pays back, I will give him that (although that may come down to me telling him everyday "dont forget you owe me $xx.xx") but the issue I have with this is its consistency and the reasons why he needs the money.

Bloody cigarettes
He buys tailormade cigarettes, has about 25 cigarettes in each packet and he smokes maybe 4-5 a day. I tell him "why dont you just buy yourself a 30gr and roll your own cigarettes - no doubt that would last you longer." but apparently people are dodgy and someone might steal his tobacco?! REALLY!
His packets are supposed to last the whole week at least, remember 25 in each packet, but with his 4-5 a day they last maybe 5 days. AND THEN the past bloody few weeks he has been smoking through them like nothing.
"hey baby, can I borrow some money to buy me some more smokes?"
I get that almost every bloody day - I've noticed over the past maybe 3-4 weeks he has been smoking he has smoked at least 3 packets a week. A bloody week = $75.00 on fuckall.
Hes on a higher wage than me but always ends up with nothing. Its a bloody worry what he would do without me man, I tell ya. And yes, I have tried to get him to quit multiple times. As a fellow steemian, @sirknight, puts it " But you have to want to do it!"
Get a joint account and you keep the card, that's what I do, I give hubby pocket money as he is useless too :)
Haha oh thanks - I'm not sure if that will go down too well in our household though... My partner still thinks he is "boss." 😂 But one can dream - All that stress and hassle gone, if only.
Wont hurt to give it a try though, will definitely try to work my magic haha cheers @karenb54
Tell him its what everyone does now lol think of the money you could save :) good luck
Thankies 😊