Seems I'm Bored with Searching For the Center of This 3D Universe

in #life6 years ago (edited)

I need to quit being so amazed at my own existence.

So what if this big mess of consciousness swirls into my heart's field with such velocity that it leaves a whole universe in its wake? Since everyone is doing it, it's not particularly unique or special. Besides, some might even say that this universe that we've all breathed around ourselves here is kind of a stinking piece of crap, and I understand, none of us want to be blamed for helping to create it.

Maybe I'm just bored with all this creation business. That whistling gurgle as we inhale-- noisily uttering the true name of our creation-- then we exhale, birthing a 3D replica of ourselves in panoramic detail, a world to behold, with a single steamy puff. Repeat, infinitely. It's a neat trick the first time, but nobody's impressed much after that.

Screen Shot 2018-11-27 at 5.50.27 PM.png

YOU ARE HERE (source)

"You just need to find your center!"

That's what they'll tell me, but they always make it sound like it's a place inside of my body, like a special colored chakra that, when 'found', will solve any anxiety that creators like us might be experiencing during our breathing chores. I know, what they really mean when they say 'find your center' they mean simply to notice that you are existing at this moment and all that HERE NOW stuff, but meanwhile, I can't help but notice that none of those people are here now. It's just me, this unit of consciousness, doing what all units of consciousness do; existing, infinitely tossing the ethers about upon a handcrafted whim.

This post will make no attempt to answer the big question, WHY ARE WE HERE? There were times in previous posts when I easily answered The Big Question in a single sentence, but it was too boring. 'We are consciousness, and we're just using these individual biological units so that we can experience the creation of the physical world.' Big deal. The meaning of life, again.

There were times when I beamed with amazement as the very meaning of life was live-streaming into my senses in real time, and indeed I did try to narrate the events as they unfolded, but as a single unit of consciousness, it turns out that my version of the meaning of life was really just me sitting there breathing.

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...still approaching the 'center', source

Oh, I could make it sound fancy and call it meditation, but the word itself gives away the whole trick. Med means 'middle', and I refuse to make another post about how I 'find my center', as if my center is somewhere else, and as if I had to put life down for a moment to go and find it.

It would be like learning to ride a bike, then riding around trying to explain to all the other bike-riders how they are also able to ride bikes. Yawnsville.

I'm just going to keep doing what I'm doing, there's no need to make a whole post about it, it's no big thing. I would say "support my work" but really, it isn't work, I just sit here, breathing.

images above thanks to Wikimedia Commons


thanks for looking in!

Click @therealpaul for more


So i still have to finish reading....

Stuff like this gets me excited tho lmao.

The fact that your mind can understand this, to me looks like a deterministic inevitability. No true words for "nuts", lol.

I had to look up the word 'determinism', it's one of those philosophical terms that always eludes me. It seems to suggest that our fate is something that happens to us according to some outside force, with a predetermined outcome, but I tend to claim responsibility for the world that I'm in, good and bad. I use the fractal images above to illustrate how an individual leaf or frond on a billowing paisley can change itself, and thereby change the whole pattern using will and choice. Life might be simpler if the future were predetermined, but I get the impression that we are all making this world now, 'tossing the ethers around' with our thoughts and actions.

Can it change itself?

It can! I'm a whole different being than I was 5 years ago, and even a month ago-- most often changes that I willfully made, either in my disposition and habits or my overall outlook on things, always there is a new choice to be made consciously.


Predetermined/ choice/ infinity.

"Big Deal" it keeps getting funnier.

I really enjoyed "yawsnville". Thanks for the thumbs.

Sorry, this is the one i meant to share.

This guy seems to be on to something!

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