
We were completely not mad XD Just puzzled about why these strong, healthy and excessive tomato plants weren't producing anything. We thought the chickens must be getting into the vege patch and really hammering them as we found no indication of bugs. The answer came as we were watching my oldest walking around the house lost deep in one of his roleplaying games, and as he passed the vege patch he reached one skinny arm through the chicken wire, snaffled a tomato and walked off eating it like an apple XD We just politely requested that he leave some for our salads!

Our garden is pretty wannabe at the moment, it's been neglected for the last two seasons as we've been flat out with stupid things :<


Yeah my garden beds are behind a season, but it was last year that I was all Steemit all the time, and I didn't do nearly the maintenance back there as usual. I took pictures of the tall grass and made a post, how Steemit had ruined my garden, now that I think back. Paid out ok, I think!

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