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RE: You Must Be Crazy to Talk About Reality: UFOs and 'The Gods of Eden'- A Tinfoil Gospel Review

in #life7 years ago

When all of the conspiracy stuff through history is compiled like this, I see a lot of psychological aspects to the manipulation, to the point where it appears that culturally, we not only allow the inhuman systems to continue, but a well-conditioned herd will actually defend those systems with their lives, or the lives of their children, calling it "the economy" so that everyone agrees that we need things to remain in place the way that they are, for comfort and the illusion of security.

I refer to this book a lot because not only do I consider it a must-read for anyone interested in the topic of ufo's, it also shows how long this has been going on, how it's done, and how the technology that will revolutionize everything has been kept from us all this time.


The way they do it is quite impressive actually, with all things considered. Very sustainable, as they just plant seeds, and the herd does all of the heavy lifting. We all get used to something being the norm that we forget there are other ways. Questioning what's in place just leads to ridicule and dismissal, but really enlightenment can't be achieved through closed eyes.

I have come across that before, but I don't have a copy of my own. Perhaps I'll try to swing by some bookstores one of these days to see if they have that in stock.

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