
Thanks :-) Good to be back, and hoping I can stay back, lol!

40 degrees celsius here yesterdy, only 16%usable water in our dams. Things going pear shaped here. Not a cloud in the sky and nothing forecast for the next 6 days.

Shit, that sounds dire.

From what your compatriots have said, elsewhere in RSA it's raining so much that they want to build arks. Looking at your weather map today, Cape Town seems to be the only dry place. Is there usually so much difference between the weather in different areas, or is this new? Do they ship water in from other parts of the country?

Although we're joking about our lack of summer in Wellington, we'd choose rain and cold temps over drought any day. So we're not complaining.

I hope they start doing something drastic soon. Like switching off the water supply for 12 hours a day, deploying thousands of inspectors to fine people abusing water supply what ever!! I had a run in with a colleague yesterday afternoon in the kitchen,. She was washing her coffee cup with the tap running full on while she was soaping and talking and soaping and talking... then she proceeded to rinse for about a full minute. 20 litres of water to wash a coffee cup.... grrrr, forget road rage... water rage coming to a town near you SOON !!
This is not usual, although summer is our dry season. We have a winter rainfall here in the Cape.

If that level of awareness (or lack of) is common, switching off the water for part of the day might be the only thing that will make it sink in. What we call a drought in Wellington is when we can only water our gardens with a hand held hose, and only every second day. This is just not on the same scale.