Shabbat Shalom! 6-27-2020

in #life4 years ago

Don’t sweat the small stuff? Our Heavenly Father cares about that stuff too. Contrary to popular belief, It’s not about the huge things you can do. Faith is about your faithfulness to your Father, and what He has instructed you.

Are you full of faith in our Heavenly Father, knowing He won’t lead you astray, and He always does what He says He will? It’s about His ability to work through you. He gave clear instructions. Are you full of faith that He, working through you, will accomplish His will?

Perhaps Yeshua/Jesus is pointing out that we don’t have as strong of faith as we could/should, but our focus should be on faithfully doing the daily “small things” over which we do have immediate control. Then our faith will grow. Obedience is a choice. Disobedience is also a choice. Yeshua/Jesus did the Will of the Father, NOT His own will. This is the example we are to follow. And it is all for the glory of our Heavenly Father.
The Way of our Heavenly Father is Truth. It alone brings Life. Choose Truth. Choose Life.
Enjoy our God-given day of rest!
Shabbat Shalom (Sabbath Peace)!

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