Oh my lanta, this is it

in #life5 years ago

sketch-1549711956971.pngYesterday, I turned 32 years old and tomorrow is the 2nd Annual Walk to Conquer CRPS!!! Today is like the eye of the storm, the calm in between.

Except there is nothing calm about today. Today is a day of checking lists of check lists and checking them off of my newest check off list. That's how my Spoonie brain has to process things these days so that I do not forget anything important.

Write blog, emails, shower, drag my body to work, drag it back, pick up tshirts, clean and fill up coolers, final post to the group, I'll cook somewhere in there too and run errands when hubby gets home. Tonight, I'm going to Facetime or hang out with my Mom and Sister to make sure I didn't forget anything and everything tomorrow goes as smooth as possible. Then I'm going to sleep, or at least try to sleep. And already, I feel like I am forgetting something today.

After the walk, I am going to take a day or two to recoup and gain my strength for the next steps in my project. I hope to continue my lidocaine infusions as soon as possible so that I can have some relief to help with the strength building, but everything takes time. Patience and kindness is key.

This might be the shortest entry yet, I am sorry about that. I couldn't skip a day on my blog challenge, but I have so much to do today that I feel zero creativity. My oomph is over taken by machine mode and I must power on to these emails before tomorrow morning.

Being a Spoonie, or someone who fights an invisible chronic illness- also known as a 'Warrior', can be challenging in so many ways. We look okay on the outside for the most part, but on the inside our nervous systems are taking control of our body and minds. Overcoming the challenges gives us strength we never imagined possible though. It's pretty amazing what the power of your own thinking can do. My physical state fricking sucks more than ever, but I could make myself laugh in the middle of a cry if I need to often enough. I'm proud of who I am at 32 years old, even if I'm a cripple, I'm a cripple with attitude. I'm not going to give up. I'm not going to stop trying and I am not going to let CRPS turn me into another statistic.

Eff the Suicide Disease nickname, CRPS is made for Warriors. ❤️

Secret time- Happiness is in your own thoughts. Not the situations.

May today be a wonderful day with positive thinking and may tomorrow kick some serious ass. Donate to the 2nd Annual Walk to Conquer CRPS by going to: https://www.canadahelps.org/en/pages/walk-to-conquer-crps/

We have almost $500 raised online so far, which is amazing. Please donate what you can, it all adds up to wonderful things. We are making a difference together.

Be kind to your mind everyone.

Positive thoughts,

-Kristen Sparkle

Day 152/365

Entry 67/183

@ConquerCRPS on Instagram

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