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RE: Libertarianism and Mining GORP (Trail Mix) [about to hit 9k follower!!!]

in #life7 years ago
This system allows the ones with most Power define what is Just and what is not.

No. Our current system allows this. In an anarcho-capitalist society justice dealing is decentralized.

Then the right to property is above the right to live?

No. Your right to live does not include the right to be kept alive. You have the right to live, you do not have the right to force other to support your life.

We are going in circles now. Your idea of justice includes stealing from haves and giving to have nots. My idea of justice includes respecting everyone's rights. This includes the right to property AND the right to life. Your idea of justice does not include the right to property and this is where we disagree.


No. Your right to live does not include the right to be kept alive. You have the right to live, you do not have the right to force other to support your life.

there is a paradox right there.
Wich is worth more? the right to live or the right to property?
If it is the right to live, then i am allowed to do anything in my power to attend my basic needs like food and water, including taking private property
If it is the right to property, then i can go against the do no harm since it is possible that i control the basic resources needed for people to live and refuse to share them at a fair price, wich might kill people.

Its not about stealing from who have and giving to dont have. Its about allowing a fair playfield for everyone. An things like monoply, cartel, price dumping make things unfair and unjust.

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