
Your heading for destitution!

What about Michelle's education and that fairytale wedding? Your 20 years older than Melanie. What financial support will you leave her after your death? You've aged a lot in five years and look none too well.

knowing self centered trog he will leave her credit card bills from toys r us when he bought his own toys to make the kid jealous.

You are not happily employed. You have no money for a box of screws. It takes months for you to save up to fix your vehicles. You eat deer food, which is probably unsafe. You have to rely on others for you to get by every year. You are not saving for your daughter's college education or your own retirement. And you live in squalor. You may be happy, but ignorance is bliss. You are so selfish.

his retirement money is his parent's death. People that rely on inheritance to fund their sad choices in life are scum

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