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RE: How I went from rags to riches - leaving the rat race behind

in #life7 years ago

Boy, you certainly know how to twist facts. My wife is an adult. Nobody bought her and that is quite nasty of you to talk about her that way. You can harass and slander me all you want but leave her out of it.

I will say for the public (because you already know), that selling T-Shirts, homemade crafts and coffee coasters is a legitimate business. It is not donations. Its business. Walmart sells shirts - do you call them a beggar?

For that matter making a living online putting up YouTube videos and running websites is a legitimate business.

I dont care if you believe what I do or say on video or not. Go away then. Nobody is forcing anyone to watch my videos. Nobody is forcing you to believe a word I say. It does not even matter.

If you dont like it then leave. But leave my family alone.


Why did you ask - beg - your Youtube subscribers for money to bring your wife to this country?

You've said "How I went from rags to riches." Yet you begged for money!!!

Shall I post a link?

He deleted the video where he was crying and begging for people to send him money for a plane ticket...

Buy your own child bride too!~!!!

Everyone knows you guys have a copy of every single video I make.

Because it never existed of course.

I'm sure some well meaning, concerned citizen as a copy of it.

Shortly after the asking for donations to "Bring Melanie home" as he put it...the guy shows a new video with a brand spanking new mini bike as his new toy.

There is no donating on here. Well, there is but I am not going to do that. I am here to write articles and comments.

garballz is just another troll and upvotes the trolls comments

Repeat much? Boring. Please go away little troll.

I'm not twisting any facts. And it's libel if it's written and slander when it's spoken - any untruths. Remember that when you consult your lawyer.

When are you going to consult one? You've been threating to get one for two years to my knowledge. After all you've gone from 'rags to riches'.

"I dont care if you believe what I do or say on video or not" . You should do. "Nobody is forcing you to believe a word I say. It does not even matter." With statements like that even in your mind's-eye even you think your a liar!

No, the point is that I make videos of our daily lives. It does not matter if you believe what I do here is real or not. It does not change a thing at all.

But if it bothers you so much then leave.

Its simple really.

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