in #life6 years ago

You keep trying to do things in your life but are stopped by invisible chains when your goal seems like it’s in touching distance.

You become increasingly frustrated because you put all your energy into something only for that energy to drain just before you succeed.

Did you know those chains that are holding you back are actually created in your mind? Did you know that YOU have control over those chains, not the other way around?

Here are 3 tips you can use to help remove those chains

Chains and padlock.jpg

If those chains are created by you, it means that you can destroy them too. One powerful way of doing that is by the use of visualisation. Athletes use this technique to improve their performance. Have you seen the movie ‘Cool Runnings’ where the one character sits in the bath and goes through the whole bobsleigh run in his head? He’s visualising until his mind absolutely knows what he has to do.

So how can visualisation help you? You can do a couple of things actually, you can:

  1. Visualise yourself with a chain around your waist that’s holding you back. This chain is a representation of your internal blocks that are stopping you from reaching your goals. Now, see you trying to move against that chain and the chain snapping, allowing you to run at top speed towards your goal.

  2. Visualise yourself actually reaching your goals, celebrating your successes and being happy. Don’t just see this but imagine how you will FEEL when it happens. Make it a whole experience and KNOW that it’s not just a wish, it’s going to be a reality!

Another weapon against those inner blocks is recognition. Many of us have these blocks and not actually realise they’re there. Listen to your own language, your own thoughts, and start writing down all those negative phrases you use almost daily. doing this for a week will give you a great picture of what your blocks are. So now you have that list you will be able to catch yourself mid-phrase and alter your thoughts to be more positive.

Visualisation isn’t the only tool you have access to though, another technique you can use is to stop believing the belief that’s holding you back. This is much easier to say that to do but with perseverance and practise, it can be done. Whenever you hear you saying to yourself “I can’t do this” or something as negative, begin telling yourself “I don’t actually believe that” or “You’re talking rubbish” or “That’s not correct, the truth is you CAN do it”. Keep doing this to disrupt that routine of the negative talk.

What are your techniques to remove those chains?


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