in #life6 years ago (edited)


Well It' would seam completely obvious wouldn't it? ITS STUPID TO CHOP, TREES DOWN!

Well think again. Because the statistics of how many trees are cut down each year are BA - FELLING

An unimaginable 7 billion trees cut down each year. Thats quite plainly - 1 for each person on earth.
Just think of that? You could have your very own "kapok tree" sitting in your back yard.
A 200 foot tall tree, to do with how you please. But get this. You could have 1 for every year, you've been on the earth.

"Your back garden is going to get quite lofty."
"That's going to be a long (EWOK) Through your back (FOREST)"
download (1).jpg

Jocking aside

The average tree creates 260 pounds of oxygen each year. Now that's on average! An as we know the average is small.
Not like the monsters in the amazonian forest. A tree in the amazon can grown to almost 10 times the high of a tree in britan. So does that mean it creates 10 times the oxygen? If so it could be responsible for 2600 pounds of oxygen.

So then, can we say a fair average for all trees on planet earth is, "Lets say 1000 pounds" Of oxygen a day.
You know? Because most trees are relatively small.

Now the average human being. Gulps down a MASSIVE 550 liters of oxygen each day. That's just over 200,000 liters a year.

This means that the average human being consumes

200,000 liters of oxygen a day.

The average tree creates 1000 pounds of oxygen a day.
An 1 liter of oxygen = 2.2 pounds of oxygen.
That means the average human breathes in 454 pounds of oxygen a day.
Which means a human being on average consumes half the oxygen for each tree on earth.

Thats a whole lotta AVERAGE!

Not bad hey? well lets see the google facts!

As to the "number of trees" this represents, it's impossible to get an accurate count. Tree density in primary forests varies from 50,000-100,000 trees per square km, so the math would put this number at 3.5 billion to 7 billion trees cut down each year.

Yet only?

Forest Tree Planting. Each year Americans plant at least 1.6 billion trees or about 6 trees for each one we use. Of this total, forest products companies plant about half, or threequarters of a billion trees, annually.

In itself you'd think there is foul play here. But not everywhere is a forest.

That said it takes between 15-30 years for a tree to grow to it's maturity.

Now lets do the maths once again

If 7 billion trees are cut down each year in 20 years the total would be 140 billion fully grown adult trees.
Yet only 32 billion trees would have been planted, most of which would not have grown to maturity. The first may or may not have matured either. As some trees take much longer to mature.

We would have a deficit of 108 billion fully grown adult trees.Which would have been lost.

Considering there are 400 billion tree's on earth. In 20 short years we could see a 3rd of all of them trees removed off our earth.

Just think what the population of earth will be in 20 years. Some 9 billion.

We will leave you to do the maths. But We can tell you now


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