
yep, it's here:

If you do get a chance to take a look, I'd appreciate some feedback.

Cool will do - I'll need to check if it is in the UK store though - Kindle books are bit funny when it comes to territorial stuff.

Edit: Found it and got it!

it's in all kindle stores.

then you cannot say it's not a dose-response issue.

I think you misunderstand. I said it is not a simple dose response relationship by which I mean it is not necessarily linear as one might see for certain types of drugs.

Forgot to ask - can you send me a link to your book - is it on Kindle? I would love to read it:)

of course it's not. if you research dose-response relationships, you'll see there are of different types: linear, non-linear, supralinear, biphasic, and so on. anyway, I'm not gonna interfere with your rationale.

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