Petition Launched To Recognize Antifa As A Terrorist Organization

in #life7 years ago

Oh, now these are some edgy Millennials!

I bet they'll be getting laid like those college communists back in the 80's.

But someone should warn them that their server careers at Applebee's might be in jeopardy if this goes through.

I hear that domestic terrorist label ruins interview prospects even faster than neck or face tattoos.

Does that make George Soros the head of a terrorist organization?

Shouldn't all of his assets be seized or frozen?

That would be amusing.

I wonder if these Antifa people know what the term "Useful Idiot" means?

Maybe it's sexual frustration?

The issues ranged from low sexual satisfaction/desire and erectile dysfunction in men, and low satisfaction, problems with pain, and inability to reach orgasm in women.

No wonder today's youth are angry.

I hate to be the one to point this out but sex, like life, doesn't give out participation trophies.


Antifa does basically operate like a terrorist organization. And use younger people see to suck at interpersonal communication and dating.

Check out Aziz Ansari's book Modern Romance for some actual study on that latter topic. It's a good listen for a road trip.

Although I can't recall where I want to say Antifa (and BLM) gets money from Soros, funny how nobody notices that a bunch of "anarchists" seem to be so well organized and funded that they can pop up virtually anywhere with thousands of people all ready to go into action with bottles of urine & feces on a moments notice.

I've seen some of Ansari's standup, he had some funny bits.

It's worth noting that this book is not a comedy, he did it with some legit doctors of sociology and it's all about studying, quite titularly, modern romance (of the youth).

The section on Japan and the masturbation eggs that have become so popular there with the herbivore men will change how you look at an omelet.

Edit: Uh, yeah, that's the one:

W! T! F!?

Can't they get off with the real thing, i.e. a hand?

Here's my millionaire idea, throw me a bone when you're rich.

Make a silicone sleeve that pairs those with an iPhone case and make use of the vibrate function.

It combines millennials' 2 favorite cultural icons.

You could even do the same thing for women, that's probably why they're unsatisfied.

Sex hasn't included their smart phones.

I assume that you'd "incorporate" Siri's voice in here somewhere, as well? That adds a whole new dimension...

Curses! =/

I still don't know how such things might be used - and I don't want to know!

No participation trophies for sex? I thought those were called "babies!"

No, you actually have to get to the "finish" line for that to happen. ;-)

I hate these folks...

They're really just someone's dupes.

Someone else is pulling the strings.

Should read Petition for the terrorist organization to recognize antifa as terrorist organization.

True, but they won't admit to being anything other than a bunch of peace loving, democracy inspiring good guys. At least it's a start.

O really? We have two flags, a war flag, and a civil peacetime flag. Guess which one the terrorists are using?

Then there's this:

yeah, it's Repealed. Need more proof, look into it.

I'm agreeing with you. I meant the govt won't admit to being anything other than the heroes and good guys.

Flying the flag of war is admitting exactly that. Same for the repealed legislation, it's more admission.

But as long as everyone gets to keep watching their "reality" TV, they're perfectly content to let it slide.

Not everyone is watching their "reality" TV though. Think about this:

Each time someone mentions that "United States" or "government" is doing this or someone in government did that or people are getting fed up with government period, if that story is challenged, that myth is questioned, not the involvement or the story that is about the government, but challenging the propose and premise of government more will get the clue.

Thank you for entertaining it this long, trust me I could keep going, the point I have to make is that we aren't helpless (not everyone is watching "reality" tv), we aren't alone, and we aren't asleep.

Cynicism doesn't have place in family or brotherhood, or cooperation, it's the same story for nihilism.

I would love to say "truth wins in the end" but it's people that truth depends on and for all our history truth has been effectively buried both actively and passively. And in spite of that we will still win, even if there is only one that remains holding the truth, the universe is benevolent, but it's our apathy, it our spirit and sentiments that are stunted, we are misguided ever so.

I expect those that find solace in reality tv to wake up, I cannot fault them, but I don't expect them to wake up by themselves. Each remark, each nugget of truth will seal the fate of all who touch it, from that point on it's either you are a Shepard or a Wolf, you cannot unknown what you know, you cannot unread these words, and imagine if anytime someone expressed a mild interest in "government" the conversation is not about the story but about their legitimacy or in this case the fraud and illegitimacy that is indisputable and evidence of it is around every corner. We are responsible for our government not the reality tv watching crowd, and if we somehow get plunged in war I will not hold one ounce of blame on those asleep.

The people that know can't go back to sleep and throw away this responsibility, even if there was a way to get back to the matrix stake, and neither are the people who's feet are over the fire and scrambling to evade responsibility for their acts and the long kept fraud, yeah the media is there simply to push FUD and collude with corporations to make as much profit as they can, as if they can just keep going. Social media, forums, are the printing press to the catholic church, and we are the self publishing authors.

your writing style is quite generations self focus and complete lack of authority figures has enabled them to be completely unfulfilled (sexually among other things) and purposeless...hence another reason for the rise of antifa and these rambling protestors that lack the courage to expose their face, or communicate with logic...

There are plenty of authority figures, Kim Kardashian, Kanye, Madonna (she's the old, wise one).

how could i forget them...

If I recall Obama had some laws or regulations enacted about 'domestic terrorism'. Perhaps Trump could use them.

I was reading more about the petition web site and it was also an Obama creation. Trump has mentioned possibly getting rid of it.

The petition had over 100,000 signatures in the first 24 hours.

I could not more strongly disagree with the tactics of the youths involved in Antifa, and expect you are right that they are being used. Some of them might even wear pussy hats when out of the black hoodie Antifa uniform.

However, unless these people start making bombs, they are merely ordinary rioters, not terrorists.

There are plenty of laws on the books to handle the crimes they commit. The USA needs no encouragement to use the draconian laws, such as the Patriot Act, to further degrade American citizens - or anyone - through torture, indefinite imprisonment without trial, charges, or even any public acknowledgement they are incarcerated.

The word terrorism applies to government. It, like communism, socialism, and other isms, is a form of government. The term was coined during the French revolution, and France is the original terrorist state.

Terrorism is in truth acts of war, and when civilians are targeted, war crimes, and crimes against humanity. There have been laws against such acts, and potent forces to counter them, since long before the French, or American, revolutions.

All the laws against terrorism are simply more bloat, propaganda, and means to impose greater surveillance and police state tactics against Americans.

Therefore I will not join the call to label Antifa as a terrorist organization.

Canada, on the other hand, given the recent legislation I have been hearing about where parents can be jailed if they fail to use the proper pronouns in conversation with their little snowflakes, is a whole 'nother matter.

All the laws against terrorism are simply more bloat, propaganda, and means to impose greater surveillance and police state tactics against Americans.

I couldn't agree more. It's like labeling something as a "hate" crime when there are already laws against whatever they want to add that stigma to.

I didn't sign the petition, as I've gotten older I'm leaning more and more towards George Carlin's perspective, i.e. I'm trying to be an observer. I didn't bother to vote in the last election either, I decided to not vote for either evil.

Didn't know that about the French Revolution, so thanks. It's interesting because I'm well-immersed in A Tale of Two Cities at the moment for #thepagedwellers book club here on Steemit. So much guillotine!

I'm with you. Antifa might be disgraceful but we don't need any more charges of terrorism, thanks.

men and women between the age of 16 and 21
are pretty much still children for all intents and purposes..

I thought about saying something about that but didn't want to hurt their fragile little impotent egos.

children playing 'house'.

Like a pimple on the ass of America, with the brain power to match. They are being used but can't see it because they can't get their faces out of the mirror. Probably also the cause of the high sexual dissatisfaction..after all, no one is as beautiful as themselves.

no one is as beautiful as themselves.

That's what their parents told them every day of their wonderful, unique and oh so talented lives.

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