3rdWorldCountryland, a thought exercise.

in #life7 years ago

OK, let me pose a situation and everyone can consider how they would respond.

Image Source: resource.mccneb.edu via pinterest

You're living in 3rdWorldCountryland, where you were born, minding your own business, growing potatoes, weaving rugs, milking the occasional Goat and making babies.

One day, while hoeing your potato field with the stick handed down to you by your grandfather who used it to hoe his potato field, and for no apparent reason, someone starts raining bombs down on your mud hut.

You are the only survivor out of your entire family of 11.

Shortly thereafter, heavily armed troops from MilitaryIndustrialland move into your valley and, through an interpreter, ask you a bunch of questions that don't make any sense to you.

When they leave, heavily armed troops from IndustrialMilitaryland move into your valley and, through an interpreter, ask you a bunch of questions that don't make any sense to you.

Nobody bothers to ask how your mud hut got blown to shit.

Very quickly it seems, since your passing of time used to be marked by the changing of the seasons, most of 3rdWorldCountryland is now occupied by troops from either MilitaryIndustrialland or IndustrialMilitaryland.

You spend most of your time trying not to be killed and trying to find out why your family was killed and by whom. Only now, you’re also paying taxes in the form of your last potatoes to the new regional governments set up by MilitaryIndustrialland and IndustrialMilitaryland respectively.

Hundreds of thousands of your fellow 3rdWorldCountryland countrymen flee 3rdWorldCountryland trying to escape from the even bigger shithole that MilitaryIndustrialland and IndustrialMilitaryland have made of it.

Do you:

A) Take your case to the United Nations with all of the bomb fragments gathered from around the mud hut where your family was killed that are labeled “Made in MilitaryIndustrialland” and expect any kind of consequences for MilitaryIndustrialland's criminal act.

B) Immediately retaliate by attacking both MilitaryIndustrialland and IndustrialMilitaryland with all of the military might at your disposal. i.e. the stick you used to hoe potatoes with, a flatulent, 3 legged Donkey (it lost a leg in the bombing) and a mean Goat (he's really mean, you can't count the number of times he chased you and your family around the mud hut. Thinking of that makes you cry, because your family is dead).

C) Peacefully accept that your family is no more, because "Hey, accidents happen. Seriously, we'll try harder not to accidentally drop bombs on women and children any more, oh, and hospitals too. That's really unprofessional."

D) Pick one side or the other and start getting some payback.

E) Get the Fuck out of 3rdWorldCoutryland before you get blown all to shit by either MilitaryIndustrialland or IndustrialMilitaryland.

F) All of the Above

G) None of the Above.

H) Some but not all of the Above.

People with no skin in the game are all too ready to jump in and start having someone else drop bombs on someone else or send someone else’s kids to 3rdWorldCountryland to “protect our interests” or so that they can feel “safe”.

I don’t think the world will become a better place until we can all put ourselves in the sandals of some poor schmuck who loses everything in a fight he isn’t even a part of and make decisions based on the common good, not what's best for someone's stock portfolio.

Maybe, if governments would stop dropping bombs on people, those people might not have a reason to want payback, or maybe get they wouldn’t have to get the Fuck out of the land they’ve known all of their lives?

Maybe, like what I hope is the majority of the human race, they'd just like to continue hoeing their potatoes, making rugs, milking the occasional goat and making babies?

Did anyone see where the common sense got misplaced?

I’ve looked everywhere but can’t seem to find it.


I thought about this quite a few times. I even used pretty much exactly the same argument to argue my mother's views (close the border, don't let anyone in, they're faking it, it can't be that bad there). She wasn't swayed, in her opinion we're still the good guys and they're all terrorists. Now, to answer the question, I have no idea what I would do. Absolutely no idea. There is also another option, which is what's happening now in some parts. G) Here comes this group, without an interpreter, they're from your area but you've never liked them before, they seem organised, they have weapons, and more importantly, they'll FEED and PAY you to join them. They say they fight both of the invading MilitaryIndustrailland and IndustrialMilitaryland. They'll also kill you if you don't join up, or tax you just like the others. As I said before, I have no idea how I would react. How far would I go if I were to see my family blown to bits by anyone and knowing none of the perps would ever be held accountable? No idea and I truly hope I will never have to find out.

Thank you for taking the time to think about it. I think the world is reacting /lashing out too quickly without considering either the causes or the consequences.

If enough of us start considering, maybe there's reason to be optimistic?

Probably E. Such a sad scenario, but one that continues to be played out. How can we live with ourselves? How this beast is ravaging the innocent?