My Life Yesterday, 5.10.18 #ulog

in #life6 years ago


It was another day out in the construction zone 🚧

I’m always surprised at all the waste there is from building a new house.

A lot of it is boards, roofing tiles, and pipes. There’s always a lot of excess electrical wiring, but the electricians always strip out the copper and take it. I always imagine they use too much on purpose as a little bonus for themselves since copper can be recycled for a good price.


A little sidebar here, but it’s funny how many spelling errors my boss makes. This time he wrote “Pepple” instead of “Pebble”. He always has something on his mind but it’s funny how he will write things more like what he hears than what it actually is.

Sometimes I have to really read what he wrote rather creatively to understand what it is 😆

Sometimes I have to correct the mistakes in my notes many times over before he notices and makes the change to the correct word... It was really frustrating at first but I’m used to it now and expect it, and it’s kind of entertaining at this time.

Until next time...

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