Whatever Dood! Second Attempt.

in #life7 years ago

Wow, so it has been awhile since I posted last! Things are looking pretty good over here. Loving the new UI, looks great.

I can honestly say I've tried to post and stay in touch with all my steemit freinds, but steemit just hasn't been working out for me lately. I made an attempt at posting a Whatever Dood a week or so ago, spent over an hour writing out the post, another half hour editing it, and when I went to upload it, I was horrified to discover it didn't upload, and I lost my post! Let me tell you, The Dood was about as mad as a one legged man in an ass kicking contest.

So I gave it about a week and the next time I tried to get on here I got a 504 :(


Well, being persistent I tried again today, and low and behold I was able to connect, the site has a new look, and I'm hoping this post will upload just fine! You can bet I'll cut and paste this into a text editor as a backup this time.

So a lot has been going on. The altcoin markets have risen and fell since the last time I posted. I did great on the last run, and now I sit here in almost a stupor as I watch the altcoin markets dump and everyone panic sell their alts while bitcoin continues to climb ever upward! WTG bitcoin. I'm enjoying the BTC rise but I'd love to get back to trading altcoins sometime soon.

As many of you know I bought a motorcycle this summer and that also helped to distract from not only trading, but also posting here. I spent most of the summer riding, and working on my bike. Did a lot of traveling around Western New York state, discovered some new places and revisited some old favorites.


My 2003 Honda Shadow. A little bit of the work I did. Repainted the hypercharger and refinished the front forks. The forks were a real pain, took a whole day wet sanding starting with 240 grit sandpaper and working up to 1000 grit. My whole body ached when I was done. Then buffed out and they looked new when I was finished.


This was taken on a scenic byway along Lake Erie on the American side just outside of Buffalo.


The weather has been so warm everything is still really green. This was taken last week along route 400 Chaffee NY I think.


Devils Hole state park, taken about 8 weeks ago.

So yeah, I've been doing a bit of riding. Funny how fast this year went by. Pretty soon we'll be celebrating the new year. I can't believe 2018 is right around the corner. All this riding got me thinking that ever since I was a kid I wanted to do a cross country ride from New York to California. With the way things have been going I decided for a 2018 goal, if things continue the way they are I'm planning on taking that road trip finally. I'm thinking from Buffalo to Las Vegas, then if I'm still feeling up for it I'll continue to California and along the Pacific Coast Highway. I'll post more about that in another post, I've actually already started planning things out. Frankly the whole trip will depend on the altcoin market. If thing continue as they have I'm going, if alts go down, I may have to reconsider.... In the meantime, I'm going to plan, set goals, get in shape and hope I can make it happen.


So the altcoin market... What can I say? We were on one hell of a run, and then bitcoin tore up to $7000. Usually I make a couple coin calls in these posts but I'm not even going to attempt it. Right now bitcoin continues to rise up and altcoins continue to tumble down! That's altcoin trading for you. My strategy has been to buy solid, well established cryptos with active devs and enthusiastic communities that I feel are under priced. They should be the first to recover. My other stategy is watch bitcoin carefully, and as soon as there's a correction, The Dood's going to start panic BUYING! Yes you read that correct, The Dood doesn't panic sell his coins. When the bitcoin market changes, alts will adjust, and I'm hoping to scoop up some really cheap coin right before that happens. If someone makes the right call right before a correction they'll stand to make some serious satoshi.

So with all this said, I'm going to try and post here a lot more. I'd like to shoot for at least two or three decent posts a week. I thought it would be fun to document my journey on the steemit blockchain, so I'll be posting all about my preparations, and goals for next summer's trip. Regardless, if I can't afford a cross country trip, I plan on traveling around the great lakes a bit next summer. Hopefully you all will find the preparations and travel aspect of my blog posts entertaining. I've also been posting a lot of imagery and stuff I wouldn't post on steemit, on my tumblr if anyone is interested. https://bitcoin-dood.tumblr.com/

Alright, well if you read this far... Thank you very much! Now it's time to hit post and hope this thing posts this time. I'm copying this post into an editor as a backup before I do. Took way to long to write this to lose it. If you're reading this all went well, and I'll be posting more often now that winter is here! Hope you're all well, and thanks for reading this post and following The Dood on steemit! Steem on brothers and sisters! Steem on!


Yes, it has been difficult to upload articles, I lost a couple also, but right now everything is working ok,with the new look it means the Steemit team is working so at least we know it won't be left stranded.

No doubt. I was thinking the same thing when I seen the upgrades! The site looks fantastic. If you cut and paste your work into a text editor you can use it as a backup in case your post doesn't take. I almost always do that but didn't the last time... Ugh! I really can't think of a more disappointing feeling then writing out a post, hitting submit and losing your work. Glad to see the improvements here though! Looking forward to doing a lot of steemit blogging this winter :)

Hey, cool to read about your trip on the motorcycle! You should change your crypto name The motorcycle Bitcoin Dood ;)

LOL, The Motorcycle Bitcoin Dood, blogging about bikes and crypto! Thanks for reading and commenting :)

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