Goodbye, day job!

in #life6 years ago (edited)


This job has become very much not worth my time...

I already had plans to work my way out of a day job and into a full-time stay-at-home fatherhood, though I didn't really plan on it being this soon. Some of my followers know that I work in a restaurant during the day, and run my Steemit blog in the evenings. This will all be changing soon, as I free up my schedule to focus more of my time building the future of Steemit for my family and I.

"Labor is tight", so schedules had to be cut back. That means those of us who are still on the schedule have to work 50%+ harder to make up for the short staff. I'm of the belief that this should not be my problem, and if the company I'm working for doesn't have enough money to pay enough people to run the place, it's not somewhere I'll be working long. Sweeney is nobody's bitch...

So what am I going to do?

Some of my followers also know part of my plans for 2018 include getting @thriveordie up and running. I would love for that to be my full-time job, but even working, I know I'll need to secure funding to ensure I'm able to stay out of the job market, and have the time to build this game. I still have some wrinkles to iron out in my business model, but know I will be selling 49% of the profits to those who see a steem-based mmorpg being as valuable as I do. I'll be working a post very soon with all the intricate details of that crowdfund initiative.

For now, I'll be grinding away at some Super Cool Science S#!t and What the Tech?!? articles, hopefully helping cover bills and adding to the funds for @thriveordie myself.

If all else fails, I have 16 years of experience in this industry, and there are a hundred jobs in this town. I would love to start telling friends and family that I work from home developing a video game and blogging, but if I can't, I know that even in the worst case scenario, I'll land on my feet.

Thanks for reading!

Follow @thatsweeneyguy!


Congratulations bud hope you take this time to travel around the world and see other countries.My goal is to retire by 40 :D

I have the same goal 😁

I also plan to travel, but I currently have a 6 month old, and a four year old from a previous marriage. My first son will need to be a bit older before his mother would let me take him on any long trips.

Congratulations! I've worked for myself most of my career, and it can be hard work, but it's so rewarding.

I'm just ready to spend more time watching my boys grow up. It goes so fast!

if you want to leave something, then you have to plan something so you do not regret @thatsweeneyguy ..
after all your intention is very good ...

Best regards @fikrihaikal

I agree. While my plan isn't 100% clear just yet, I'd say it's at least 90%, so no regrets here 😂

good luck on your goals, I know you can do it because help steemians, it will go back to you the good karma.

That's the plan 😁

Give as much as I can and hope to get some back!

i am doing the same thing on my posts, because I know even a little upvote can help redfish like me to go further.

Geanil @thatsweeneyguy is the best decision taken and will be successful with Steemit and its projects, since being employed does not deserve to Peda, we steemit are entrepreneurs and create our own businesses if you can

Congratulations on your 2018 plans! No more slogging for someone doesn't pay enough or care enough about their workers. Being at home is great!

Best of luck on the the new journey @thatsweeneyguy!

Congrats! Glad to see you persue what you want for your future full time. It's hard to do anything you actually want when you're slaving away half of your time to make someone else rich. I hope everything goes well!

Congratulations. Looking forward to more great things from you. Best of luck!

Why work 40 hours for someone else when you can work 80 for yourself and the future you want.

Congratulations on taking a risk for wanting something better for yourself and family. Its insanity how much the standard workforce is expected to do in the same amount of time while endless cuts are made and wages become stagnate. In a situation like that you just never know when they will cut your hours next for the same reason but expect the amount of work out of you.

I’m glad you gave it some thought of what to do incase things don’t work out. Sometimes you just got go for moving forward in life even if it ends up being walking back a few steps.

There's an old saying about entrepreneurs along the lines of "an entrepreneur is someone who will happily work 100 hours a week just to avoid working 40 toward someone else's goals."

That's me through and through. I'm not a normal person, and a normal work schedule doesn't fit with me very well. I'll always do what needs to be done for my family though, even if that means reconforming to society if we need more money.

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