Fancy Restaurants! More Like Expensive Restaurants!

in #life6 years ago (edited)


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Fancy Restaurants! More Like Expensive Restaurants!

A few days ago it was my father's birthday, and so we decided to go out and eat at one of those fancy restaurants that each meal costs an arm and a leg!

The menu had one meal per page, a giant one-page picture with the price very little in the bottom right corner! And guess what, the price...the price was overwhelming!

All the meals were minimum 10 bucks and the most expensive one was 20 bucks! Ok, there might be more expensive meals, but still... most of them were the size of my fist!


Paying 10 bucks for a small plate with salad and cheese! Who the hell can eat this way every single day! Yes, the cheese was incredibly good! Trump would say this cheese was of tremendous taste! But still... 10 bucks! And it wasn't even the main course! That came later!

For the main course, I didn't know what to pick, everything looked delicious but everything looked small too! So I went with what my father calls "My brother's trick"...

"My brother's trick" is to look at the price and choose the most expensive one! It must be that expensive for some reason right?! I choose a cow stake that was "matured 45 days" with sweet potato and some spinach, I'm still trying to understand what the hell matured 45 days is... most of my stakes come straight from the fridge! Some are even frozen and I have to unfrozen them in the microwave! No maturing there...

The meal came and it was one of the most delicious things I've ever tasted in my whole life!

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The stake was raw on the inside and was squirting out those tasty stake juices! The spinach had cream in it to further increase the taste! The sweet potato was cooked to perfection! And, they even added something on top of it, some kind of plant which I only understood that I was supposed to eat it when my father told me to! I thought it was just some expensive decoration bullshit that they added to make rich people reach ecstasy faster! I'm still alive so I guess it wasn't poison!

The rest of my family went with less expensive dishes...well, guess what, I was the right one! Yes, I might have paid 5 extra bucks for that meal, but at least my meal wasn't a kid's size meal! I actually had a good amount of meat and potatoes! And, unlike them, I didn't have to get home and eat again!

Most of their meals had 2 or 3 fish stakes and that was it... Small fish stakes that would leave my pet turtle starving! Rich people should learn my motto: "Eat like a King, live like a King, lift like a King, sleep like a King, BE a King" and my second motto: "Why be a King when you can be a God" ( this last one is actually a song from Eminem, hope I don't get copyright assblasted)

The restaurant actually realized it was my father's birthday so they gave us a pennyroyal liqueur! But not even that alcohol beverage was enough to make us not see the expensive bill!

Oh well, it was a once in a year thing...

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Question of the day: Would you rather eat a fancy dwarf sized meal or a normal colossal meal? I choose the second option!

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here in Greece you may have heard that we are very proud of our food. That's true :P cause we have extremely tasty food and the motto was similar to yours. The portions were huge and note that we really like meat.

So in most of the restaurants or taverns as we called them had quite big portions. The sad part is that a couple of years ago that this trend of gourmet food came many restaurants with these small portions came out.

For me that i grew up with these big portions and with simplicity like a big stake and too many potatoes or rice next to the meat i can't accept these gourmet restaurants. Also and that's a fact, paying let's say 50-100$ bucks at a gourmet restaurant for 2-4 dishes that won't get me full, i can spent the exact same amount of money to feed 10 people...

With 100$ you could buy and roast a whole sheep or pig :P

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