Imperfect Travel Stories Or 3 Lies We Tell Ourselves About The Perfect Holiday

in #life7 years ago (edited)

I guess we all wish to have the perfect kind of mix of rest and adventure during our lives. We are always ready to share our perfect pictures in the most promising position for our bodies. We are ready to share how happy and fulfilled travel makes us and the amount of sadness we will get when we get back. I am in the shade now at almost 40 degrees Celsius thinking about why is good to bring our lies into plain sight.

1. We will be happier on a beach than in an office.

Well, I do love my time off and hanging around not doing much is very much appealing. I love the sea and the shores and a cold beer at the right moment. I love to try new good food flavours and to hang out with friends. I love to do crazy things like diving and paragliding and hiking and everything that involves action and doing. But even this will not fully fill an empty soul or a the needs of the egotic mind. She (my mind is definitely a she) will always dream for more. More excitement, more adventure, more everything. If you don't pause she'll never be tired.

Compared to that excitment going everyday to a job and indulging in the routine might sound horrendous. But for me the life is about the little things that adds up. Like a smile on the way when you cycle. Like the neibour waving hi every morning you pass by the coffee shop. Or the first good of the day from your co-worker. Or the first email you put your eyes into and the feeling of commitment and working for a greater thing than you. Could all this small little things can beat the scuba's and the travel stories to the new world places? For me yes, with all my heart, I know that on the long term the feeling of accomplishment and the fight for bringing more meaning is my way of happiness. I believe that contribution is what's makes me tick and the live in the tired men at the coffee shop that dreams of a better life.

2. For one to weeks we will forget about all the problems and just relax.

I wish to that our mind has the capacity to disconnect as we wishes. We tend to believe that for 2-3 days/weeks we will be problems free and just deal with everything on the way back. That's one of the biggest lie I believe, because we take the mind with us in the same resort or hotels. The fears will follow us and they might just go undercover and express in a different way that we don't recognize. The ugliness and our unkindness will come with us and take a part of the holidays pie. In my case is the constant annoying thought if I left this world a better place. If I waist my life on meaningful things when I could have done much more for others. If my unkindness manifest in way I am not aware of.

3. The break will fill me up with energy for the rest of the year

That's my biggest lie usually, because I never seem to feel ready and full. I always fly back in the last possible day and the jet lag will make me a harsh human being for at least a week. Even if I am not going that far the not enough will be there as I am trying to build somehow a life where this kind of breaks are not escapes to a land of happiness. I do fail and I do forget over and over, but in my heart I need space for both individuals: the stable and the unstable ones. There are both part of me and I split somehow to however the wind blows giving more power to one of them at the time. Now the unstable part is fighting hard for my attention. I drull thinking of fairways lands and undiscovered places and maybe I would need to look for them deep inside my soul. Is the place that will always give me the energy I need but is difficult to reach sometime with all this mirages. Do I get full and ready to rumble next Monday? It will be the subject of another story 😎

Greetings from Baja Mexico




I love to travel but it's stressful in its own way. I like sleeping in my own bed and it seems every time we travel we get a room below or next to noisy people who keep us awake.

There's also the jet lag that you mentioned and air travel is a nightmare sometimes. The last 4/5 times I've flown somewhere my first leg of the trip was delayed by 1-3 hours so I either miss my connection or have to run through the airport to barely make the next flight.

I do feel relaxed and refreshed and vacations give me great perspective but as you said they're not all sunshine and rainbows. Sometimes I think it would be better to just save the money and invest in something rather than spend thousands on a week long vacation after which I'll dread going back to work.

I usually don't mention these things when I post vacation pictures on social media. Most people's social media profiles portray a different person than the person is in real life. I'm guilty of this myself.

Well we are not here to be perfect but to learn. So I guess every opportunity is good and as much as we discover what is a lie for us as closer we might get to fulfilment. Happiness is overrated and it shouldn't be a goal as is a momentary feeling, I would rather use the fulfillment as a guideline for how my life is. Thanks so much for stopping by 😊

Life. Unbeautified.

Loved this piece :)

Here's another: When I get back to London the weather will be the same as when I left. Nope, it will be colder and wetter :) enjoy the 40 degrees while you can!

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