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RE: ‘Star Wars’ fans petition to have ‘Last Jedi’ removed from franchise

in #life7 years ago

The Last Jedi was awesome, people are complaining because unimportant questions weren't answered the way they want. This article has a great take on why this was exactly what the franchise needed:


I feel that those questions were important and the previous movie made them so. It felt as though Rian Johnson was rebelling against the ground work JJ Abrams laid for him. In doing so he shit all over the investment the audience had in continuing that story.

I'm glad JJ is back at the helm for the next one.

How did the last movie make Snoke's identity important? He just showed up as a hologram and everyone went wild with fan theories... But compare that to Emporor Palpatine who, oh wait... Also didn't receive any explanation until the prequels.

Or the identity of Rey's parents? It was only important as Rey's motivation, it was the fanboys who decided she must be from some important family and now they aren't happy they were (possibly) wrong.

As the other article states I think it really is better that Rey has no famous lineage, making the Star Wars universe actually bigger because anyone can become important. Without that it's just the store of one or two families.


He's the one that turned Kylo and reformed the Empire. How is his identity or history not important? Maybe they will go more into how Snoke first lured and turned Kylo in the next movie. The Palpatine reference is appropriate because it left the fans wanting to know so much more that they made the expanded universe and the prequels.

Rey's parents:

TFA setup the tone that the identity of her parents once revealed would be of some importance. As in the exact opposite of nobodies. Kylo could be lying. JJ can fix this.


It seemed like a generational hand off and a continuation of the lineage that resounded so well with fans of the last movie. They decided to go against that and many fans are unhappy. All the main Star Wars movies have revolved around the Skywalker lineage and it's a reasonable expectation.

It's not like they aren't doing completely independent story lines every other year as well.

The Palpatine reference is appropriate because it left the fans wanting to know so much more that they made the expanded universe and the prequels.

Right, but somehow it's now "bad" that the character was handled exactly the same way. Hell, maybe they're saving the revelations for his own movie in the future!

TFA setup the tone that the identity of her parents once revealed would be of some importance. As in the exact opposite of nobodies. Kylo could be lying. JJ can fix this.

I don't remember this. I remember Rey constantly wanting to know, and being told no one was coming back but someone might be out there waiting. Maybe people took that to mean her parents were waiting, but it could just as easily have meant Luke or another mentor we have yet to meet.

It seemed like a generational hand off and a continuation of the lineage that resounded so well with fans of the last movie.

Fans hated the last movie. :P I know guys who say The Force Awakens killed the Star Wars fan in them forever...

All the main Star Wars movies have revolved around the Skywalker lineage and it's a reasonable expectation.

Which means those same fans would be just as butt hurt if Obi Wan had been her dad.

And yes, they are doing completely independent story lines... which is why this needed to keep the universe opened up. You can't build a universe around one family.

I think this review encapsulates my position that the expectations were set in the previous movie.

Yeah his little rant pretty much cemented my opinion that it's fanboys pissed off they didn't get their way. :p

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