Do It NOW... Because Sometimes "LATER" Becomes "NEVER"

in #life6 years ago

A couple nights ago, I re-watched the anime movie "Ano hi mita hana no namae wo bokutachi wa mada shiranai" or better known as "AnoHana". This movie was released way back 2013, but the series was aired 2 years prior to the movie.

I watched the series way back 2011, and I remember how I shed my tears because of it. It was oozing with "feels", and I couldn't help but cry. The movie was like a recap of the anime series and update on what happened after the final episode of the series. I was well aware of what will happen, but I cried again. lol

The story revolves around the life of six childhood friends, however, only five of them grew up together because one of them accidentally died when they were young. As the five remaining friends grew, they had their own issues in life which is still connected to the death of their friend. They had a lot of regrets, they had a lot of things they haven't said... they couldn't move on.

One day, the ghost of their dead friend came back and showed herself to one of them. And that's how the story really started. Because of this appearance, the five friends were again given the chance to solve their issues, express themselves and start moving on in their individual life and as a group of friends.

As we were watching the movie, I took pictures of my favorite part. Let me share them to you below.

When they were kids, they used to play hide and seek. It was something they enjoyed doing together. When Menma's ghost was finally out of sight, they were worried and really sad. They found some letters (pages torn from Menma's diary) addressed to each of them, and they recognized the handwriting as Menma's. One of them said that Menma was just hiding and wanted them to find her.

Menma's ghost finally appeared again and they saw one another for the last time before finally saying goodbye. This is probably the 4th or 5th time that I watch this movie and I was still teary-eyed. Even listening to the song "Secret Base" makes my heart tight and my eyes warm... hahaha~ Ohh! Let me show you a video of this song..


The song is really heartwarming, yet sad. There's a part which says:

I knew that you screamed "Thank You" from the bottom of your heart till the very end.
A goodbye when you hold back your tears and smile is lonely, isn't it.
The best memories...

Sometimes, we find it hard to say goodbye to someone... but it couldn't be helped. It's painful, yes, but it hurts more when you have regrets... when there were things left undone and words left unsaid. All that's left are the memories you have shared together.

Goodbyes may mean "Until we meet again...", but there's also the so-called "Goodbye forever."

As you might already know, I lost my grandma not too long ago. Honestly, since she has left us, I haven't shed a single tear. Isn't it weird? I easily cry when watching anime and stuff, but I haven't cried when grandma left.

I guess it was because I was ready. I have readied myself that her time left with us wasn't that much anymore. Actually, today passed the 40th day of her death. We couldn't go to the cemetery, but mama and I went to church earlier to offer prayers for her.

We also lit some candles for her. Grandma is probably with grandpa already. They might be having a lovely date now that they're reunited. <3

Do It NOW... Because Sometimes "LATER" Becomes "NEVER"

So before we regret something, let's do our best to do whatever we can now. Let's not practice the "I'll do it tomorrow/later." kind of attitude, because tomorrow or later might never come. Cherish every moment! Live.. Laugh... and Love! <3

Thank you so much for reading! Have a great day everyone! (^_^)v


I tend to procrastinate, and then regret later why I did not do something earlier.

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I do, too... Procrastination, unfortunately, is human nature.. XD

A lot of us procrastinate. Putting off things until the last minute can be stressful.

Posted using Partiko Android

That's true, too... Not justifying here, but sometimes I could work better with pressure... If the deadline seems to be faraway, I tend to procrastinate because not a single idea comes to mind. That was during my school days, though... now, I do my best to do what I can do at the moment.. hahaha~

Anohana made even Maid-chan cry!

We all got on the FEELS train... Sou desu yo ne, Maid-chan... :)

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