What Are Lucid Dreams & How To Have Them

in #life8 years ago

What is lucid dreaming?

Lucid dreaming is dreaming with the knowledge that you are dreaming. Usually when something strange was happening in a dream so you realize that you dream. Most people who remember their dreams have experienced this, often waking up immediately after the realization.
Each person is capable of lucid dreaming, ie, the management of their dreams. Lucidity is not a gift or something supernatural, it is a skill which through a series of exercises easy to learn.

How much control is possible varies from dream to dream and from dreamer to dreamer. Exercise contributes to the improvement of control over happenings in dream. At the very least, lucid dreamers can choose how they want to respond to the events of sleep. For example, instead of to try to avoid a hazard such as natural when you do not know that you are dreaming, you can decide that you come face to face with the terrifying figure of sleep, knowing that you can not harm.

Why to have lucid dreams?

How would you like it if you can without any risk to try absolutely anything?
The laws of physics and society in a dream not work. The only limits are your imagination achievements. Much of the possibility of sleep lost is because people do not recognize that dream. Once in a dream not lucid, think and act as if we are in waking reality. This can lead to unreasonable frustration, confusion and waste of power, and in the worst case, the frightening sea. Our misdirected efforts to perform tasks waking life in dreams, have resulted in anxious dreams in which appliances are not working properly, we're late for meetings, we can find the right path and so on. Anxiety dreams and nightmares can be overcome lucid dreaming, because if you know you are dreaming you do not have to be afraid of. The events in the dream can not hurt. Lucid dreams, in addition to helping you keep a dream in a satisfactory way, enjoy fantastic adventures, and overcome nightmares, can be valuable tools for success in your waking life. Lucid dreamers can deliberately trigger natural creative potential of dreams for problem solving and artistic inspiration. Athletes, public contractors, and the like, can be prepared, to practice and adjust their performance while they sleep. This is only a slight taste of different ways in which people use lucid dreaming to expand their lives. All of us spend a third of your life sleeping, why from that time do not get the most?

The technique of induction of lucid dreams

For those who are eager to soon have the experience of lucid dreams, there is an effective technique for "instant" induce a lucid dream. This technique is not a substitute for work on dreams, but can give a certain flavor lucidity. Those who want to achieve that by the will and unlimited be aware in dreams, should systematically and from the ground up to work on all the elements of Yoga waking dream. Instructions for this "a quick" technique induction (without going into an explanation of why it should work exactly that way) are the following:

  1. Go to bed between 22:01 hours and plan awakening after about 6 hours of sleep. Before going to bed, lying on your back, close your eyes, and you do concentration on the space between the eyebrows, eyes and point to the area of the third eye (through closed eyelids). During that time, mentally and with feeling, repeat auto suggestion like: "Tonight I become aware of that I dream." If the mind starts to wander, again, keep your focus on your third eye and proceed with autosuggestion until you fall asleep.

  2. After about 6 hours of sleep, get out of bed and be alert 1 - 1.5 hours (preferably read or think about lucid dreaming). It is important to fully wake up to that time.

  3. Go back to bed and re-doing the technique of concentration on the third eye with autosugestiju. It is possible that you will have problems to fall asleep again, which can take up to 1 hour, or after you finally fall asleep, the fun begins.

Do not be surprised by the results of this technique, this is possible in addition to lucid dream, cause and conscious experience astral projection as well as the experience of so-called. "False awakening" when a person is convinced that she was awake and begins to perform his daily morning routine without actually still dreaming. In any case, you have an interesting experience.

People often their lucid dreams are considered the most amazing experiences in their life.

In a lucid dream, you can do absolutely anything. Most people initially faced with this phenomenon realizes his sexual initiative and imagination. This is followed by the expansion of creativity and the dream world. Many used state of lucidity to themselves more familiar, solve a problem, for personal growth and self-healing.

Regardless of your preference, do not forget that in a lucid dream there is no limits!


Last night I experienced a short lucid dream. I looked around and I definitely knew that this is a dream and i'm sleeping right now. After I picked some seeds from a tree and the connection was lost :)