Pregnancy Update - Birth is a MARATHON!

in #life7 years ago

So, wow – apparently, it’s been three months since we’ve posted. How did that happen?!? That’s another story. I have a longer blog post in me but I’m going to keep it short so I get the content out.

Let’s get to it!

As I write this I’m 32 weeks so just 8-ish weeks left until we meet Baby Girl Turner #2 and the excitement here is on another level. Here I am just shy of 31 weeks enjoying a green smoothie.

week 31.jpg

With the excitement comes the reality that labor and delivery is also right around the corner. And that means I have work to do. Having run a marathon, I know how much I prepped for success and giving birth is no different. I need to focus on my physical and mental preparation. Here’s the plan I’ve (mostly) 😉 been following since week 30.

  1. Increase intake of green smoothies focusing on iron-rich foods like kale and spinach.
  2. Practice hypnobirth principles
    a. Positive affirmations
    b. Relaxation techniques
    c. Visualization practice
  3. Increase physical activity
    a. 30 minutes - three – five/week
  4. Begin specific labor-focused exercises
    a. Squatting
    b. Tailor Sitting
    c. Kegels
    d. Pelvic Tilt
    e. Butterflies
  5. Review Bradley Method natural birth class material

I’ll share my progress in future posts and more information if there are any questions.

Thanks for reading!

  • Kareen

Great to see you posting again. I wish you the best!

Thank you and thanks for the welcome back :)

  • Kareen

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