Dear @Dayleeo — 19th of August 2017 — We made it to another weekend! :) hiza! :)steemCreated with Sketch.

in #life7 years ago

good morning, kinda weird sleep, weird dreams, nothing over the top but lots of jumping around into different headspace, i woke around 6:30am and went to the toilet but was thankful for dropping off till around 8:30am and got some last minute huggles in. last few days has come around fast, it’s amazing how time goes fast when you don’t plan too much, i tend to want to plan to get in as much as possible but when you don’t plan and let the day go by naturally it just becomes this dark matter time suck, i’m thankful for the shared time with poppet of course.

makes me keep thinking of mining or at least processes that work while you sleep, be it at night or when we detached from computing in general, the distraction economy, being as less distracted as possible from being connected to each other is a must, the technology and the connection a requirement of the transfer of knowledge using it as a platform but our time together as humans made up of repair, loving and self reflection — there is always someone to help even if that’s ourselves to fixing our own ego and vanity.

i’m really into the idea of those bot processes in the background, i just cashed out another $16 bucks of minted bitcoin and received into my digital wallet, the more i do this on a daily basis the more i realise that with the march of AI into our lives, the more jobs are automated the more we need to change the way we interface with that technology because i huge shift is coming, if not already here. we just don’t realise the impact of it as yet. but it’s there, underlying and we need to make sure we have some level of control over it because stuff is about to get all bladerunner up in here! :)

sorry heavy piece to kick off wake up this morning but i woke with a fire in my belly and a vision in my mind. you have to run with those sometimes, it’s like getting a transmission on subspace band from the delta quadrant. after all, being a time lord can often mean i’m going back and forth repairing things, changing the timeline a bit as we go right? it’s never really the same way twice if your really in the moment. bella is dying to get on the computer today, she’s only got thirty minutes so i’m gonna have to close this message up pretty soon.

excited to hang out today love, do some writing, see if i can get the last 15 lines done on this spreadsheet because you are so right i’m dying to get into video editing that, i think it’s gonna be great, i need to find myself a decent royalty free track to put underneath all the audio and videos we have so far, might have to do some enhancements on the audio on some of them as well — how are you liking voyager so far, what stands out to you the most and are you digging the characters?

got a stack of pots again over night, have no idea how that happens but when bella is here we just seem to build them up again really quick. had to shave my beard of last night it was driving me crazy with all the itching on my face and with the summer sun i just needed to have a change. ok, gotta make some moves, time is running out this morning. i’ll be back in the hour and i’ll put some other posts up, i feel that it’s gonna be a heavy coffee and writing day today.

alrighty then, all caught up. . .

it’s time to get back and on the computer,
get some posts up with progress, 15 lines to go,
my slow cooker food and cookie nightmare to post,
bit of gaming today with you would be great,
also for some reason i’m really feeling getting a bottle of rum,
not sure why but i just see a bottle of spiced rum with coke
on the horizon to drink this week, weird huh?

lots of love and huggles,
speak soon biza.
the mouser and the mini biza xxx


Yeah.. Go easy with life... Best option... Can you throw more light on the bot that mints

yeah i'm using a miner called microhash. i'm afraid that any day it will die and run away thou, i have a post ready for when that happens, but i would suggest or genesis mining. certainly something that runs while you sleep! :)

Thank you for the heads up. I know of genesis mining just tired of the negative reviews I'm getting off their payments delays etc.

tbh, people don't like change. they have been used to getting payments daily, you change that and people lose their shit. it's up to you if you decide that's a dealbreaker or not. one thing i will say is i often avoid companies that have been hacked but i'm guessing that the reason for the issues is they have to put more solid defenses in place. i can imagine they spend a lot of time deploying new hardware, with over 500,000 customers that's a lot of work behind the scenes. personally i go with my gut instinct on a lot of things. i think you are wise to listen to your own! :) only put in what you can afford to loose with anything crypto! :)

Your last sentence is the rule everyone should just take. Don't invest what you can't afford to lose. Thanks for your input.

you are very very welcome! :)

Oh my god I've never seen a better representation of morning dayle than that dog 😂.

Yes there was a lot of logistics talk but what I'm hearing is we should probably get some work done so we can game and then have a drink and watch blade runner later???

That's what I decided anyway- lemme know if you're interested 😉💕

Damn I wish I was there- the weekend shop run plan of "ok we've got to make THIS much today to go to the shop later," kettle on- you're firing eggs at me, I'm trying to find eye drops and stumbling into the bathroom le Matos playing, bopping, typing, breakfast go go go!!!

Hehe miss working on that vibration with you 💗

OH IT FEELS SO DAMN GOOD. yes today would have been one of those days today with some movies, tv shows, trek in the mix for sure. happy to drink later will need to run out, could do with replacing a few things, pushed some more bitcoin so can send more later. lol, my little drip feed coin machine is the best right now. . . ;) additionall. . .. yayayay. i'm feeling RUM today, badly!! :)

Lol I think a Gin& Tonic Situation for me is going to be the move- with fresh LIMESSSS YAYAYAYAYA!

oh my, i feel ya. i wanna get a bottle of rum and coke. i'd be f'ing set mate. yayayyayayayaya.


Good morning @teamhumble Good luck

morning @felix2010 how's it going. thanks man! :)

Life to steemit is very helpful and more advanced continue hi friends @steemboad

@steemit more advanced and more okay.steem dollar and steem power. (STEEM) hopefully we are in this steemit can share vote capawan friend all.tapi most important do not bring other people post for our personal post .. very satisfied with steemit nyakita Can share steem dollar ToTeman our friend and all circles who are in steemit.salam friendship do not forget to follow me and participate in voting in the post you see worthy to show in steemit

i'm afraid you need to work on your english brother. that made no sense to me. sorry.

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