
in #life7 years ago

Today is a bit of a bad day for me, mostly because Im in one of those moods where I dont feel like doing anything at all. I have a teaching assignment to do on Monday (which needs to be done by Monday morning) and it is taking everything I have to do anything about it! BLAH. So Ive been putting everything off, and as everyone knows, that only makes you feel worse!

Ive been feeling couped up today, and like I need to get outside, so I decided that I would go for a walk and just go where the wind took me. I ended up walking for an hour, which I think is pretty good exercise considering how I didnt go jogging today! I was reading up on jogging yesterday and I read that you should cross-train every now and then, which means doing something else with your body apart from jogging. This could include swimming, bike-riding, or in my case walking. Apparently youre also supposed to take off-days so that your body can recuperate. So I woke up this morning and my legs were still hurting from yesterday, and I decided that it would be better to either cross-train today or take the day off.

On a side note, did you know that you burn just as many calories by walking 3.5 km as you do by running 3.5 km? Its true! The only difference is that you jog or run faster than you walk, so you can fit MORE distance into the same amount of time, and also jogging/running is good for your heart. Another point is that, if you work yourself out hard enough and your muscles feel twitchy and are hurting hours later, it means theyre still burning calories simply to repair the muscle. SO in the long run, you burn more calories, but to actually go the 3.5 km, its the same amount. So when youre on the treadmill or elliptical machine, and its telling you how many calories you burned, just remember that its not even telling you the calories that you will continue to burn even when youre done working out! Exciting stuff.

Anyway, as I havent felt like doing a whole lot, its been a rather boring day! Ill finish off with my stats.

Workout: Walked 3.5 km

Junk food: None (3 days in a row now!)

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