WIS: Principles that make up the character of the Business...Part XI

in #life6 years ago (edited)
  1. Every mission, every idea and every business move should be in the Service of a good;

Everything we do is only useful if it serves people, if it has the strength of the case for others. The whole universe is created by the Creator for the living beings, so everything we do should be in harmony with the principles of a spiritual nature, because only then our mission has the power of eternity.

  1. The character of the people you work with is the most important link of a Good Business Team;


As much as they offer us money and prosperity, in the end, everything is being blamed, if the character of the person with whom we do business is not worth the Mission, we have planned. Money come and go and if we want to keep them constantly and always do business successfully, then we need to be consistent, to reject business partners and dilemmas that have a low reach and immediate material satisfaction. If we act exactly like that, then we will get wise solutions and business partners with whom we will do very big jobs. It is important, that we do not question this principle and believe. It's a law that works the same for all people and many have practical experiences with it.

  1. Creativity and continuous improvement should be a guiding idea in Our Business;

It can always be better, faster and done more. Creativity brings a freshness, that strengthens us. If we constantly improve ourselves, we will constantly think creatively and we will always be inspired to move on.

  1. Always do a little more, do not bother;

Excessive ambition and fanaticism are in most cases not good, and in most cases such work is ruined or a person is disappointed with failure to give up on his goal. What brings the benefit is that we constantly try to do just a little more, we can not get to the top at the same time, it's a process and we need to walk step by step. We will never give up and we will always make progress if we do just a little more.

If you are tired it is good to rest, just keep an eye on, because excessive rest leads to laziness, and from that condition we are hard to start.

  1. Synchronize your spirit, mind, body and communication - practice every day;

Spiritual, mental, physical health is a prerequisite for success, because a sick person only thinks about how to be healthy, so our prevention is in good health and then we can realize all our plans. Communication is very important and actually good communication saves all obstacles, because cooperation with people brings a business result. Without people there is no work or money.


  1. Believe in what you are doing and be persistent and committed;

Faith and work together make a tandem that overcomes all obstacles, when they function impeccably, then that is the result.

  1. Be an open mind for all suggestions;

The solution can come from every person, from every situation, no matter if it was bad or good, the solution can also come, at any place. Always listen and then you have reduced your chances of missing something good.

  1. Always work on yourself and never stop learning;

Learning is the development that leads us forward. Choose literature and learn primarily from the tried and tested teachers.

  1. Practical realization of your plan of everyday activities keeps you constantly in shape;

Without progress there is no progress, the process of promotion is the best through work. We learn the most in practice and no idea can be realized without practical application.

( To be Continued )

Humble Episode from "The Wealth is Success" by Dr.Great Success


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The startup lifestyle is known to be stressful and challenging, but it’s also meant to be satisfying and fulfilling, with you as the entrepreneur in control of your own destiny. Unfortunately, it doesn’t always work out that way, based on my many years of experience with entrepreneurs and advising startups. The business can be successful, while the entrepreneur feels like a failure. The challenge is not to let success come without personal satisfaction, or at the expense of the ones you love. To do that, you need to follow a set of personal principles that drive your business principles, not the other way around. Here are some key ones that I espouse:

  1. Define your personal goals and purpose early.

  2. Focus on strengths rather than fixing weaknesses.

  3. Create some short-term milestones on the path to your dream.

  4. Be honest with yourself about practicing what you preach.

  5. Don’t stop believing, learning, and growing as a person.

  6. Take satisfaction from team success, at work and at home.

This is motivational my friend
Thanks for the success tips my friend
I have to pen down all this things
You’re much appreciated for sharing

In a business community, the most important thing is believable relationship. And the top most fact is that we must try to avoid showing arrogancy about our position. Cause any position is too much important in a business. So we should do work by standing in one row. Then the final success must come in.

Strongly agree with you, thanks for the motivation and this is very helpful to me.

It means that everything that the does with a view to serving to provide support, with which I can start new business, that is, to have empathy with it, to have spirituality, also to strive every day to improve in what I do, to believe in what what I do, that is to have faith, he there the key to success, to believe in oneself. Excellent post very motivating, thank you Tatjanastan

Hola amiga!. Hay que ser creativo y perseverante para llegar a la cima, hay que estar sano y conectado en mente, cuerpo y espiritu para poco a poco lograr alcanzar los sueños, gracias @tatjanastan por este post de superacion y motivacion, un abrazo

If we want after consign our commercial enterprise a helpful begin toward success, it has after start including leadership, then presidency has in conformity with start with us.

There are essentially five characteristics regarding significant leaders. The first about this is existence flexible. Not everything goes namely planned. Competitors trade tactics, governments force latter decree concerning business, strikes stop the float regarding products, and, occasionally, herbal disasters occur. And at instances as these, leaders have in conformity with lie in a position in conformity with change course; as is, advance perform secure theirs groups will survive, and then discover a new pathway in accordance with reach their goals.

The 2d characteristic is being capable in accordance with communicate. Some leaders are significant orators, but talking well isn’t all that’s required on a leader. As we whole know, even are loads concerning people any talk a full-size recreation but assign nothing. Leaders who communicate nicely are these anybody not only piece theirs ideas with employees, but also pass their strength and non-public personality show thru in theirs communication, then empower these whoever job because of to them with the aid of defining the company’s purpose then showing or after come there.
A 1/3 characteristic concerning large leaders–or, perhaps, team of characteristics–is having courage, tenacity, and patience. Having the bravery to lie alone, the tenacity after now not die in imitation of pressure, or the patience in accordance with hold fighting till ye win the day–and now and again being able according to do entire three at the equal time–is something you choice bear in imitation of enhance agreement you necessity after remain a proper then profitable leader.
The fourth fundamental attribute is the mixture over humility yet presence. Acting aloof, then upon you employees, does now not edit a leader. Leaders hold according to stay capable in imitation of talk yet hear in accordance with theirs employees concerning all stages about the company. At the identical time, they have to bear the respect of theirs employees, the kind of observance that’s earned through life honest, lowlife integrity, and being tough however fair.
The fifth then closing attribute regarding a successful leader is animal responsible. A enterprise proprietor has after realize that, as the announcing goes, “A skunk stinks out of the chief down,” yet a commercial enterprise does too. This ability when so is blame after lie accepted, the proprietor ought to stand the first some in imitation of take delivery of it. But such additionally capacity to that amount now accolades are appropriate, he have to remain thoroughness abroad among the employees. And when it happens, a chief is born.

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