in #life6 years ago (edited)


"I was very satisfied from PXD Products, so I started recommending them to others I even started working with PXD Quantum Biotherapeut Plates and PXD AMS and all other products. I have dozens of experiences, people that were coming were very satisfied from PXD Products"...


1.) Jagotka it is very nice to talk to you. You cought time to talk to us. Well our readers are curious to know more about you, your life, career, school, activities ?

Well as you know I’m Jagotka Jakimovska now Malinova. It is very hard to describe the life in few sentences…I cannot say that I have some career. In Macedonia I always worked private business. First we had a store for food products, then I had my own boutique and I worked a little bit with PXDS. And now I’m here where I’m in Italy. I finished High School for arranging and still I have not much activities because I’m getting used to the life here.

2.) Jagotka, what are your wishes, plans, goals ?

Plans, wishes…? I plan and wish to find some job here, to work a little bit and to go back with my husband in Macedonia. Meanwhile, I would be very happy if my son Darko starts working here in Italy because I cannot see some perspective for him in Mk. Goals ?? I don’t know, maybe the final goal for me is to return back to Macedonia in few years.

3.) How did you hear about PXDS’s products ? How did you hear about the opportunity to make money with PXDS ?

For PXD Products I heard long time ago 8-9 years ago. At that time I worked in my boutique and I read one advertisement in the newspapers “Mothers & Others, Make…”. I can’t remember how was next but I know that the advertisement was from Ms.Vasilija.

At that time Ms.Ljubica Kostovska was working with Orifleim and we hang out, so she called me to hear about that company and I called her to come with me to see what is PXDS all about. So finally I met Ms.Vasilija, when we came on PXDS’s Presentation in Army’s House. If I remember well, Ms.Tatjana was holding the presentation. I remember there was only PXD Mobichip, PXD Nicochip and very few products. We didn’t do anything ( maybe because I used to work in the boutique and I thought I don’t have time ). Two three years passed since that time although Ms.Ljubica and Ms.Vasilija kept in touch all the time. So to shorten the story Ljubica took me in PXDS, we bought PXD Biopyramids and became PXD Partners. At that time I didn’t have money, only wish so I was forced to borrow money from both of them.

4.) Wow this is very nice experience, long time for the shortest way. So how is your experience with PXD products ? How PXD products made difference from before ?

So when I took the products, I started using them and recommending them. My experience with PXD Products is excellent. I started with PXD Biopyramid and the improvement I felt immediately. PXD Kombucha Extract I used regularly , PXD Mobichip I have even now and my son as well. I have PXD Nicochip, PXD Two sided medallion ( S ) and I care about it very much. I was using PXD Teas also.

I was very satisfied from PXD Products, so I started recommending them to others I even started working with PXD Quantum Biotherapeut Plates and PXD AMS and all other products. I have dozens of experiences, people that were coming were very satisfied from PXD Products.


5.) So how PXD Products changed your life and Your family’s life ?

Simple, different health problems were solved with PXD Products and PXD Therapy on PXD Quantum Biotherapeut Plates by the people that were coming. They felt improvement in every way. There was profit in different ways, direct, indirect…I can say much but I will leave something for the next time…

Source: pxds.com


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Greetings from Venezuela

Thanks, Greetings from Macedonia...

It great to see that you are promoting such a great and new technology. Your play great part in making steemit healthy and satisfied

Really PXD Products must be working perfectly in helping people live a healthy lifestyle, and based from your experience using this products it's seems it is really effective . What are the economic benefits of promoting PXD Products as a marketer @tatjanastan

Saludos, los testimonios son de agrdecimiento y reconocimiento a los productos PXD, son excelentes han mejorado su calidad de vida, en salud y economicamente, Jagotka Jakimovska Malinova en ese momento no tenía dinero, así que sus dos amigas le prestaron dinero para comprar PXD Biopyramid, me encantaria poder comprar PXD Biopyramid, espero que mis hijos me presten dinero para poder comprarla cariños y besos @tatjanastan.

It is notorious how the reputation of PXD has transcended the barriers and has achieved much fame or popularity, has been incorporated into homes through the recommendation of people satisfied by the results obtained with the products, that speaks very well of PXD to simple seen through the experiences that are quality products, hopefully one day I will arrive in my country, for sure the first one that will prove to be Kombuchas

Hare Krishna Dear Mam,
Wish you great success of PXD I am curious to learn more and more about these amazing products and their so exciting results, Mam your products are available for India or not.
Good day.


I periodically make up my blog posts with TOP quotes. I really want to add this.

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